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May 19th 2016
08:37:06 AM
What is your name?  

Fisher Ponds

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Fisher Ponds

A Description of your Web Site:  

Fisher Ponds

How did you find this Web Site?  

Fisher Ponds

Where are you from?  

Fisher Ponds

Should I change anything about this site?  

Fisher Ponds

Should I add anything to this site?  

Fisher Ponds

Would you reccomend this site to others?  

Fisher Ponds

What did you like best about my site?  

Fisher Ponds

Would you ever come back to my site?  

Fisher Ponds

Do you have any comments?  

I am praying you will not mind me writing a remark on this website because I felt I had to tell you something as a result of viewing your internet site. You have to be an buff with this website malarkey as I found my visit to be extremely gratifying and will without doubt be shooting back here for a second visit before long. I've just had a trip to Rome and am relaxing with my computer to wind down, and this site took my thoughts off my troubles for a few minutes, regards Fisher Ponds.

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June 19th 2015
06:31:49 AM
What is your name?  

Daniela Cabo Roig

Do you have any comments?  

I really treasured this visit to your internet site which I realized was perfectly fashioned and displayed, I will without a doubt be calling back regularly to ascertain how it is growing and perhaps offer some added suggestions if that may help. We have today arrived back from my holidays in Spain, we've been staying at Cabo Roig, a favourite of ours, and required to be cheered up after having to deal with the post-holiday melancholy, so locating your exceptional web site was clearly the pick-me-up that I wanted to cheer me up and get back to normality. The breaks in Spain (and Cabo Roig particularly) usually gets the batteries energized which helps us get ready for the next year ahead, the difficulty is that returning home makes us a bit down in the dumps and fed up. Checking out the world wide web for several captivating internet sites is frequently our treatment consequently discovering your web blog was a great aid in recovering from the Cabo Roig doldrums. It's always fantastic to identify a site that's nicely thought out and nicely displayed, that I considered yours to be in copious amounts and I'm positive that it is nice for you to understand when someone has liked their visit and also to understand that your efforts was not wasted in producing it. Therefore the next time we come back from Spain, I'll recognize where to come for a pick me up. Thanks.

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March 18th 2008
09:14:17 AM
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Do you have any comments?  

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October 10th 2007
06:26:52 PM
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October 6th 2007
08:22:51 PM
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October 5th 2007
05:10:59 AM
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September 28th 2007
03:10:06 PM
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September 21st 2007
05:51:54 PM
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August 15th 2004
04:52:27 PM
What is your name?  


Do you have any comments?  

whutz wrong wit ur linkz gurl??


April 18th 2004
05:42:50 PM
What is your name?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

from another site. you were an affiliate

Where are you from?  

Johnstown Pa

Should I change anything about this site?  

not really

Should I add anything to this site?  

ya, maybe some more icons..especially animated ones

Would you reccomend this site to others?  

heck ya

What did you like best about my site?  

the food silents

Would you ever come back to my site?  

already been here more than once

Do you have any comments?  

Your site is totally awesome! I just wanted to let you know that it rocks. Okay. thanks for making it avaliable.

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