
**Hong Kong
ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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News from Takungpao


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


News from Apple

噚 日 係 父 親 節 , 日 本 電 影 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 就 o黎 o係 香 港 上 映 , 有 份 為 套 戲 配 音 o既 陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 、 阮 小 儀 以 及 一 直 支 持 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協 會 o既 宣 萱 , 噚 日 就 有 出 席 套 戲 o係 旺 角 舉 行 o既 宣 傳 活 動 。

宣 萱 專 收 流 浪 狗
宣 萱 就 帶 o左 佢 隻 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 , 佢 話 : 「 Bom Bom 係 我 o岩 o岩 入 行 電 視 城 執 番 o黎 o既 流 浪 狗 , 本 來 我 都 想 帶 佢 去 捐 血 , 不 過 佢 年 紀 大 , 唔 可 以 捐 。 」

宣 萱 噚 日 帶 埋 佢 隻 十 三 歲 o既 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 。

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


News from Oriental

陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 昨 日 出 席 有 份 配 音 的 新 片 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 宣 傳 活 動 , 與 戲 中 老 友 周 麗 淇 、 盧 巧 音 、 林 曉 峰 、 康 子 妮 、 梁 榮 忠 等 齊 齊 宣 揚 愛 護 動 物 訊 息 , 宣 萱 更 帶 同 愛 犬 出 席 , 以 示 支 持 。

而 宣 萱 則 要 未 來 男 友 「 愛 萱 及 狗 」 , 她 說 : 「 我 隻 狗 係 o係 電 視 城 執 o既 , 養 o左 十 幾 年 , 屋 企 有 六 隻 狗 , 就 算 我 揀 男 友 先 決 條 件 都 要 對 方 鍾 意 狗 。 」

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Replying to:

噚 日 係 父 親 節 , 日 本 電 影 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 就 o黎 o係 香 港 上 映 , 有 份 為 套 戲 配 音 o既 陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 、 阮 小 儀 以 及 一 直 支 持 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協 會 o既 宣 萱 , 噚 日 就 有 出 席 套 戲 o係 旺 角 舉 行 o既 宣 傳 活 動 。

宣 萱 專 收 流 浪 狗
宣 萱 就 帶 o左 佢 隻 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 , 佢 話 : 「 Bom Bom 係 我 o岩 o岩 入 行 電 視 城 執 番 o黎 o既 流 浪 狗 , 本 來 我 都 想 帶 佢 去 捐 血 , 不 過 佢 年 紀 大 , 唔 可 以 捐 。 」

宣 萱 噚 日 帶 埋 佢 隻 十 三 歲 o既 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 。

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


News from Singpao

 陳奕迅(Eason)、阮小儀及I Love U Boyz昨日出席有份配音的電影《老友狗狗》記者會,大會亦呼籲大家支持「保護遺棄動物協會」動物捐血日,宣萱更帶同愛犬出席。Eason本身養了三隻狗,一隻狗媽媽與兩隻狗囡囡。之前就因為經常與狗玩,搞到雙腳都被抓花了。他表示女兒與三隻狗都可以和平共處,最初他怕狗毛會令女兒呼吸敏感,幸好沒有事。Eason強調不會遺棄家中的狗,因為養牠們比女兒出世的時間更長。

 宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席,她家中共養了六隻狗,Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城執到的,已養了牠13年,宣萱都笑言自己的樣子與愛犬愈來愈相似。而她暫時亦不會再養狗了,屋企實在不夠大,還要請兩個工人照顧狗隻。以前的男友會呷醋嗎?宣萱笑說;「梗係唔會,我揀男朋友,首要條件就係要錫小動物。」她表示之前潛過水,連海底很多生物都接受了,唯一不可以接受的就是蚊。

宣萱指愛犬Boom Boom似足自己。

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Replying to:

陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 昨 日 出 席 有 份 配 音 的 新 片 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 宣 傳 活 動 , 與 戲 中 老 友 周 麗 淇 、 盧 巧 音 、 林 曉 峰 、 康 子 妮 、 梁 榮 忠 等 齊 齊 宣 揚 愛 護 動 物 訊 息 , 宣 萱 更 帶 同 愛 犬 出 席 , 以 示 支 持 。

而 宣 萱 則 要 未 來 男 友 「 愛 萱 及 狗 」 , 她 說 : 「 我 隻 狗 係 o係 電 視 城 執 o既 , 養 o左 十 幾 年 , 屋 企 有 六 隻 狗 , 就 算 我 揀 男 友 先 決 條 件 都 要 對 方 鍾 意 狗 。 」

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Replying to:

噚 日 係 父 親 節 , 日 本 電 影 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 就 o黎 o係 香 港 上 映 , 有 份 為 套 戲 配 音 o既 陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 、 阮 小 儀 以 及 一 直 支 持 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協 會 o既 宣 萱 , 噚 日 就 有 出 席 套 戲 o係 旺 角 舉 行 o既 宣 傳 活 動 。

宣 萱 專 收 流 浪 狗
宣 萱 就 帶 o左 佢 隻 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 , 佢 話 : 「 Bom Bom 係 我 o岩 o岩 入 行 電 視 城 執 番 o黎 o既 流 浪 狗 , 本 來 我 都 想 帶 佢 去 捐 血 , 不 過 佢 年 紀 大 , 唔 可 以 捐 。 」

宣 萱 噚 日 帶 埋 佢 隻 十 三 歲 o既 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 。

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Thanks Stephanie for the postings. It's glad to hear of Jessica.

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Replying to:

 陳奕迅(Eason)、阮小儀及I Love U Boyz昨日出席有份配音的電影《老友狗狗》記者會,大會亦呼籲大家支持「保護遺棄動物協會」動物捐血日,宣萱更帶同愛犬出席。Eason本身養了三隻狗,一隻狗媽媽與兩隻狗囡囡。之前就因為經常與狗玩,搞到雙腳都被抓花了。他表示女兒與三隻狗都可以和平共處,最初他怕狗毛會令女兒呼吸敏感,幸好沒有事。Eason強調不會遺棄家中的狗,因為養牠們比女兒出世的時間更長。

 宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席,她家中共養了六隻狗,Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城執到的,已養了牠13年,宣萱都笑言自己的樣子與愛犬愈來愈相似。而她暫時亦不會再養狗了,屋企實在不夠大,還要請兩個工人照顧狗隻。以前的男友會呷醋嗎?宣萱笑說;「梗係唔會,我揀男朋友,首要條件就係要錫小動物。」她表示之前潛過水,連海底很多生物都接受了,唯一不可以接受的就是蚊。

宣萱指愛犬Boom Boom似足自己。

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 昨 日 出 席 有 份 配 音 的 新 片 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 宣 傳 活 動 , 與 戲 中 老 友 周 麗 淇 、 盧 巧 音 、 林 曉 峰 、 康 子 妮 、 梁 榮 忠 等 齊 齊 宣 揚 愛 護 動 物 訊 息 , 宣 萱 更 帶 同 愛 犬 出 席 , 以 示 支 持 。

而 宣 萱 則 要 未 來 男 友 「 愛 萱 及 狗 」 , 她 說 : 「 我 隻 狗 係 o係 電 視 城 執 o既 , 養 o左 十 幾 年 , 屋 企 有 六 隻 狗 , 就 算 我 揀 男 友 先 決 條 件 都 要 對 方 鍾 意 狗 。 」

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Replying to:

噚 日 係 父 親 節 , 日 本 電 影 《 老 友 狗 狗 》 就 o黎 o係 香 港 上 映 , 有 份 為 套 戲 配 音 o既 陳 奕 迅 ( Eason ) 、 阮 小 儀 以 及 一 直 支 持 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 協 會 o既 宣 萱 , 噚 日 就 有 出 席 套 戲 o係 旺 角 舉 行 o既 宣 傳 活 動 。

宣 萱 專 收 流 浪 狗
宣 萱 就 帶 o左 佢 隻 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 , 佢 話 : 「 Bom Bom 係 我 o岩 o岩 入 行 電 視 城 執 番 o黎 o既 流 浪 狗 , 本 來 我 都 想 帶 佢 去 捐 血 , 不 過 佢 年 紀 大 , 唔 可 以 捐 。 」

宣 萱 噚 日 帶 埋 佢 隻 十 三 歲 o既 愛 犬 Bom Bom 出 席 活 動 。

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Re: News from Takungpao

hey...thanks for your news..jessica hsuen rocks...

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Re: News from Takungpao

thanks for oyur news ya..

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Re: English translation of News from Takungpao

Hi Su far, Trieu Minh, Sunny Jazz and others,

I know you guys will be asking for translation again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Title of article: Jessica's top criterion in a life partner is the love for dogs

Jessica brought her beloved Boom Boom to attend the SAA function yesterday. The event was to urge all pet owners to support the registration day for blood donation for animals.

Jessica explains that as Boom Boom is already 13 years old, it is unable to donate blood. It needs medication everyday. She has 6 dogs and has chosen Boom Boom as it is the most obedient dog. It is also the dog that she picked up from TVB City when she first started her career 13 years ago. Jessica comments with a laugh that she and Boom Boom are looking more and more alike.

When asked if she will adopt more dogs, jessica says that the space at her home is limited. Furthermore, 6 dogs already take up a lot of space and she needs 2 maids to help take care of her dogs. When reporters tease her if she looks powerful when she takes her 6 dogs out for a walk, she laughs and says "No" because if she takes them out by herself, the 6 dogs will be dragging her instead! Usually it is her family members who help to take the dogs out for a walk.

Since Jessica loves dogs dearly, were her former boyfriends ever jealous of them? Jessica laughs and says most certainly not; when she chooses boyfriends, the most important criterion is that he must love small animals. She also explains that since she started learning diving, she has learnt to accept undersea creatures as well. Sometimes when she goes to the suburbs, she is no longer afraid of insects landing on her. But the only thing she still cannot accept is the mosquito.

Ok, the end of article. If Boom Boom looks like her, then it must be a gorgeous-looking dog too! Honestly, I like Boom Boom, so sweet and shy. See how it hides behind people on the stage. What a lucky dog to be adopted by jessica!!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Re: Re: English translation of News from Takungpao

Thank you very much...

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Replying to:

Hi Su far, Trieu Minh, Sunny Jazz and others,

I know you guys will be asking for translation again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Title of article: Jessica's top criterion in a life partner is the love for dogs

Jessica brought her beloved Boom Boom to attend the SAA function yesterday. The event was to urge all pet owners to support the registration day for blood donation for animals.

Jessica explains that as Boom Boom is already 13 years old, it is unable to donate blood. It needs medication everyday. She has 6 dogs and has chosen Boom Boom as it is the most obedient dog. It is also the dog that she picked up from TVB City when she first started her career 13 years ago. Jessica comments with a laugh that she and Boom Boom are looking more and more alike.

When asked if she will adopt more dogs, jessica says that the space at her home is limited. Furthermore, 6 dogs already take up a lot of space and she needs 2 maids to help take care of her dogs. When reporters tease her if she looks powerful when she takes her 6 dogs out for a walk, she laughs and says "No" because if she takes them out by herself, the 6 dogs will be dragging her instead! Usually it is her family members who help to take the dogs out for a walk.

Since Jessica loves dogs dearly, were her former boyfriends ever jealous of them? Jessica laughs and says most certainly not; when she chooses boyfriends, the most important criterion is that he must love small animals. She also explains that since she started learning diving, she has learnt to accept undersea creatures as well. Sometimes when she goes to the suburbs, she is no longer afraid of insects landing on her. But the only thing she still cannot accept is the mosquito.

Ok, the end of article. If Boom Boom looks like her, then it must be a gorgeous-looking dog too! Honestly, I like Boom Boom, so sweet and shy. See how it hides behind people on the stage. What a lucky dog to be adopted by jessica!!

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Hehe, thanks a lot for the detailed and great as always translation

Yeah, Boom Boom is very cute!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Su far, Trieu Minh, Sunny Jazz and others,

I know you guys will be asking for translation again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Title of article: Jessica's top criterion in a life partner is the love for dogs

Jessica brought her beloved Boom Boom to attend the SAA function yesterday. The event was to urge all pet owners to support the registration day for blood donation for animals.

Jessica explains that as Boom Boom is already 13 years old, it is unable to donate blood. It needs medication everyday. She has 6 dogs and has chosen Boom Boom as it is the most obedient dog. It is also the dog that she picked up from TVB City when she first started her career 13 years ago. Jessica comments with a laugh that she and Boom Boom are looking more and more alike.

When asked if she will adopt more dogs, jessica says that the space at her home is limited. Furthermore, 6 dogs already take up a lot of space and she needs 2 maids to help take care of her dogs. When reporters tease her if she looks powerful when she takes her 6 dogs out for a walk, she laughs and says "No" because if she takes them out by herself, the 6 dogs will be dragging her instead! Usually it is her family members who help to take the dogs out for a walk.

Since Jessica loves dogs dearly, were her former boyfriends ever jealous of them? Jessica laughs and says most certainly not; when she chooses boyfriends, the most important criterion is that he must love small animals. She also explains that since she started learning diving, she has learnt to accept undersea creatures as well. Sometimes when she goes to the suburbs, she is no longer afraid of insects landing on her. But the only thing she still cannot accept is the mosquito.

Ok, the end of article. If Boom Boom looks like her, then it must be a gorgeous-looking dog too! Honestly, I like Boom Boom, so sweet and shy. See how it hides behind people on the stage. What a lucky dog to be adopted by jessica!!

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Very true that dogs look like their owners!

I had 6 dogs before I moved to Singapore and my favourite dog, Brewster, look like both me and my hubby!

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Replying to:

Hi Su far, Trieu Minh, Sunny Jazz and others,

I know you guys will be asking for translation again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Title of article: Jessica's top criterion in a life partner is the love for dogs

Jessica brought her beloved Boom Boom to attend the SAA function yesterday. The event was to urge all pet owners to support the registration day for blood donation for animals.

Jessica explains that as Boom Boom is already 13 years old, it is unable to donate blood. It needs medication everyday. She has 6 dogs and has chosen Boom Boom as it is the most obedient dog. It is also the dog that she picked up from TVB City when she first started her career 13 years ago. Jessica comments with a laugh that she and Boom Boom are looking more and more alike.

When asked if she will adopt more dogs, jessica says that the space at her home is limited. Furthermore, 6 dogs already take up a lot of space and she needs 2 maids to help take care of her dogs. When reporters tease her if she looks powerful when she takes her 6 dogs out for a walk, she laughs and says "No" because if she takes them out by herself, the 6 dogs will be dragging her instead! Usually it is her family members who help to take the dogs out for a walk.

Since Jessica loves dogs dearly, were her former boyfriends ever jealous of them? Jessica laughs and says most certainly not; when she chooses boyfriends, the most important criterion is that he must love small animals. She also explains that since she started learning diving, she has learnt to accept undersea creatures as well. Sometimes when she goes to the suburbs, she is no longer afraid of insects landing on her. But the only thing she still cannot accept is the mosquito.

Ok, the end of article. If Boom Boom looks like her, then it must be a gorgeous-looking dog too! Honestly, I like Boom Boom, so sweet and shy. See how it hides behind people on the stage. What a lucky dog to be adopted by jessica!!

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


Re: Re: English translation of News from Takungpao

Dear friend,

Thanks a lot again for the English translation.. hihihi.. Way to go! Next time you do it again for us ya.hehehe.. Really appreciate it!

take care.

su far

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Replying to:

Hi Su far, Trieu Minh, Sunny Jazz and others,

I know you guys will be asking for translation again. So here it is. Enjoy.

Title of article: Jessica's top criterion in a life partner is the love for dogs

Jessica brought her beloved Boom Boom to attend the SAA function yesterday. The event was to urge all pet owners to support the registration day for blood donation for animals.

Jessica explains that as Boom Boom is already 13 years old, it is unable to donate blood. It needs medication everyday. She has 6 dogs and has chosen Boom Boom as it is the most obedient dog. It is also the dog that she picked up from TVB City when she first started her career 13 years ago. Jessica comments with a laugh that she and Boom Boom are looking more and more alike.

When asked if she will adopt more dogs, jessica says that the space at her home is limited. Furthermore, 6 dogs already take up a lot of space and she needs 2 maids to help take care of her dogs. When reporters tease her if she looks powerful when she takes her 6 dogs out for a walk, she laughs and says "No" because if she takes them out by herself, the 6 dogs will be dragging her instead! Usually it is her family members who help to take the dogs out for a walk.

Since Jessica loves dogs dearly, were her former boyfriends ever jealous of them? Jessica laughs and says most certainly not; when she chooses boyfriends, the most important criterion is that he must love small animals. She also explains that since she started learning diving, she has learnt to accept undersea creatures as well. Sometimes when she goes to the suburbs, she is no longer afraid of insects landing on her. But the only thing she still cannot accept is the mosquito.

Ok, the end of article. If Boom Boom looks like her, then it must be a gorgeous-looking dog too! Honestly, I like Boom Boom, so sweet and shy. See how it hides behind people on the stage. What a lucky dog to be adopted by jessica!!

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Replying to:


宣萱昨日帶同愛犬Boom Boom出席「保護遺棄動物協會」的活動,呼籲養有動物人士,支持動物捐血登記日。宣萱表示,Boom Boom已十三歲,故未能捐血,現在每天要吃藥。她家中養了六隻狗,她揀了一隻最乖的狗出席此活動。原來Boom Boom是她初入行時在電視城揀到的,已養了牠十三年。宣萱笑言自己的樣子與愛犬越來越相似。


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