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Bipolar and menstruation

I am a 33 year old female. I have one child I gave birth to at age 27. I was diagnosed with depression when I was very young, around 9, and treated off and on until two years ago, when I was hospitalized twice in a one year period and finally diagnosed as Type II bipolar. I am currently not taking a mood stabilizer, but have been doing ok with Lexapro, Xanax, and Ritalin (I also have ADD). In the last few months, though, I have noticed that shortly before I start my period (one or two days before) I "crash" - I can be functioning fairly well (I have been on disability for almost 2 years, but I can function fine for short periods of time) and then my whole world crashes in on me, and knowing that it is because I am about to start my period does not help at all. I feel ugly, worthless, that I will never work again, that I have ruined my son's life, that I would be better off dead, etc. After I start my period I am ok again.

Does this happen to anyone else? Would getting on birth control pills work? I have not seen my OB/GYN in a while but I made an appt. today. My p-doc knows that I don't believe in suicide and he does not seem overly concerned about it, but it seems to be getting worse. Does anyone have any suggestions about medications, therapy, etc?