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"Gay is not sin and Jesus is not asking the gay person to change and be straight"

Today's Christians are "LAST DAYS' Christians and this means the status quo of the past 2000 yrs changes into a Last days(end times) Rapture in your lifetime, shocking and including spanking of all Christians. It means God starts moving in amazing ways. Some ways you will like other ways may make you turn your backs on him. New style messengers are being sent by God, LISTEN TO THEM!

Your post are gladly accepted, type the subject you want to post and try to keep it on the subject related to the The Stables Ministries, your testimonies, Bible, Last DAYS, FACTs related to these and comment of what you think about us.

If you are one to think gay is sin then I expect some help from you by YOU explaining any verse you use as to how you got a word, phrase, or verse to be talking about gays. Making a statement "its in the Bible", its simple", "its clear", "God hates it", or "God said it" is not acceptable. Words evolve, but the ancient language is the language of the Bible use it to get your meanings of words.

Always looking for your revelations about these Last Days and what God is telling you about it. Also tell us what works for your ministry. If you want to discuss matters and issues privately just email "The Stables Ministries"

Finally this forum is not a convience for your your advertising  of anything including your ministry or website. This is "The Stables Ministries" use it with the guide lines above. Thanks

08/30/07 All entrires were deleted to start fresh with my reconstruction project of my website

"The Stables Ministries" Home of "Gays For Jesus" TV programs Forum
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What God's love is really like

The Bible says that God is love. Love is not just one of God’s attributes.
God is not just a loving individual. God is love in essence.
What a travesty; what a revolting definition of love it is that God, Who is love personified, would grant any creature a will so strong that they can choose themselves into an irreversible state of never ending suffering!

Love Divine
by D. Buchanan

FROM the lips of love's apostle, exiled for love on Patmos' lonely isle, there sounds out in the saying, "God is Love," the most concise and comprehensive utterance in all language, the most sublime declaration of truth by mortals ever heard. These three one-syllable words reveal the character of God and make it to be known that behind things, as the source and fountain-head from which they spring, there throbs the one great heart of infinite, unchanging love.
Although, to finite understanding, life may meanwhile seem a tangled skein, and providence a confusion, yet when all the processes of Love have run their course, then it will be seen that the history of the ages, the story of the race, can be written with one small word, the term of infinite fullness that tells us what God is.
"God is Light" and "God is Love." Light, in passing through a prism, is separated into its component parts and appears as the seven colors of the rainbow. Each separate shade is a manifestation of light, and, although no one color in itself is light, yet without it light would not be what it is. So, too, the invisible love-light of Deity, passing through the prism of divine providence, appears as mercy, as righteousness, as goodness, as power. The operation of each attribute is a manifestation of love, and although no one quality in itself is love, yet without it, love would not be what it is. As the blue is in contrast to the red in the rainbow hues, so righteousness is to mercy in the spectrum of love. When the mercy manifestation of itself accomplishes God's purpose, then mercy is glad that righteousness was not required, for "mercy rejoiceth against judgment." Yet the heart that moves the mercy hand is the same heart that, if need be, moves the judgment hand, and that heart is God, and God is Love.
God loves just because He is Love, yet Love's hope in loving is to create and call forth love; hence Love's victory is love reciprocated, love returned. So it is that Love, mingling mercy with righteousness, moves ever on, longsuffering and kind, but failing never, until at length the creature heart responds in fullness, to love unbounded and divine.
And when, at length, humanity, redeemed, ransomed, transformed by the divine from which it sprang, has thus taken on the likeness of Love's perfect Man, the Man of Galilee and Golgotha, then Love, the Alpha, will likewise have become the Omega of all things, the atmosphere in which we live and move and have our being, and the universe will be flooded with divine affection.

What is your Church backgound and how long have you kown Jesus?

What is your age and gender and location?