
**Hong Kong
ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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HI Fans,
I can't believe that there're fans still ask for coming to the bp, I can't even believe that there're someone say she needs to cancel cos she can't come. I want you to know that once you said you're coming, you can't just say cancel so easy. Because we already pay 50% deposit. What happen if everyone is like that! So if someone cancel, and we can't find anyone to place her seat, you still need to pay your own fee (we can receive it next time whenever we meet), otherwise, you can't come to other event, taking photo or ask her signature in the future.

Re: 取消

現在fan club又沒有,不是很早以前就開始要搞一個正式的fansclub了嗎??到而在還是沒有,我們要找都不知找誰,一會又將我們我問題公開在bnet就可憐了

點解到現在你( fans ) 仍然懷著仇恨呢?


Hi "fans",
相信你是 Fanny 的朋友吧! 雖然我同 Fanny 不太熟, 但是我非常同意 Fanny 是一個盡責, 平易近人的好人. 而且對 fans 的照顧真是一讚!
呢幾個月發生什麼事, 我不太清楚, 只知道 Bravenet 偶然會有爭辯,甚至是向著 Lydia 衝.
Lydia 是 Jessica 的經理人, 即是 Jessica 某程度上也要聽從他, 這就是經理人和助手的分別. 舉辦生日會更是義務工作, 我很感謝 Lydia 的付出! 作為 fans 只要見見 Jessica 已經非常開心 !
所以希望某部分 fans 認真的考慮是否繼續擁護 Jessica, 如果認為 Jessica 的原因, 或是 Lydia 的原因,令你們不能再擁護 Jessica, 請你們悄悄地離開, 不要在這裡攻擊任何人和任何事!





只是不想見到 "同門 C殺" (你又不滿這樣, 佢又不滿那樣), 令到真係真心支持 Jessica 嘅 fans 心痛啊!






Sorry Jennifer, 我係不知發生咩事....

只知有 fans 不滿 Lydia 嘅安排.
如果再是這樣有咁多不滿 , 恐怕以後都不會有 bbq or bday party 嘅活動, 咁大家會開心嗎?

Stupid provisions !

Why people have to shut up when they are dissatisfied?

This is a free country !!!

In fact, Lydia did wrong decision.

The success activities cannot just go to booking with the absolute number of people.

She had to estimate the number of people.

If there are some people who cannot be temporary for some urgent things in that day.

They would also to be punished unable to participate in the future ??????

How pitiful these people are!!!

My $0.02

That does seem pretty extreme. When planning events, there's always a chance people won't be able to make it at the last minute, and I think that should be taken into account by the party planners rather than punishing the party-goers. When a guest can't show up to your wedding at the last minute, do you ban them from all other events in your life?

Also with a chance like this, people will be asking if they can come until the very last minute. I can't read Chinese, so I don't know how the original message came across, but the English version sounds a little harsh. A simple "We're sorry, but our guest list is full" would suffice.

Might I suggest that the party planners start a wait list next time. That way, you can accommodate late signups, and if someone cannot make it for whatever reason, you can find someone to replace him/her straight away.

(Sorry if this has all already been said. Like I said, can't read Chinese)

Why people have to shut up when they are dissatisfied?

This is a free country !!!

In fact, Lydia did wrong decision.

The success activities cannot just go to booking with the absolute number of people.

She had to estimate the number of people.

If there are some people who cannot be temporary for some urgent things in that day.

They would also to be punished unable to participate in the future ??????

How pitiful these people are!!!

To:Rain 既然你不知發生咩事,請不要妄下判斷及主觀地..........


I have no intension to destroy someone reputation

As I said before, Fanny is a good person. I am very appreciate what she did for us before. In this year bbq function, she had helped me a lot. I am a driver, she sent me a few e-mails to explain how can I go to the location by myself (inclued the driving map).... took me into the bbq area from the front gate.... help me to arrange a parking space.... She is just a nice and helpful “leader”.

I reply the post of “fans” because I am not feeling good of her wording . If all of us are in sympathy with the party planner, even she is Lydia or Fanny or someone else, what do you feel if someone express a bad comment (again and again) on her devote to the function?
I am not “趨炎附勢”, “刷鞋” “搏愚人得利”, and these adjectives sound very impolitely too ! For those who said these words, please use your sympathy (同理心) again. We all can visit “Wish”to see their replies, most of them are very appreciate to Lydia. Why we do not admire the effort that Lydia put in?

And siuman, of course I trust Fanny too, so your post ~ “如果你都想bravenet平靜d,少留d<對號入座>的message為妙!” is also suit to the “fans”, this is my beginning thought ( ~ that is peace).
Lastly, I sincerely to say sorry in whom we have misunderstanding or whatever ( I think I really know little between the”當時人” ( ”當時人" is said by Mrs Lee) ).


rain你咁很定相信“fans”就是Fanny的朋友嗎?你為何這樣作出判斷“fans”的身份?如你不是寫“fans”就是Fanny的朋友!!siuman、Mrs Lee及我就不會回你的帖。



yes, if i didn't write this....

我一向都欣賞 Fanny 對 fans 嘅付出, 除了今年 bbq, 2008年 bbq 因為我去左 2星期旅行冇參加, 巧合地落機那天 (上午), Jessica 夜晚飛 SH, 所以好想去見見 Jessica. 當時我在 Italy, 而且剩番2,3日時間, function 嘅 detail 都未知, 係 bravenet 問Fanny, 佢好快 post 左 flight info., 咁我先 book 到機票....
現在 Fanny 冇再做聯絡人了.... 今次 Lydia 負責 bday party, 我不是 “趨炎附勢”, “刷鞋” “搏愚人得利”, 只是知道努力的付出, 但是還有人不滿是何等滋味.... 就算不是 Lydia 而是其他人, 我都會替他難過!

So, "We should be appreciated what others does/did for Jessica" which said by Wing

And, 少d 埋怨, 多d 感激!

Re: 取消

多謝Lydia在百忙中安排生日會,我們由衷感謝!安排上大家只再作溝通,相信一切也可以完滿處理。希望Jessica開心,Lydia開心,各fans朋友都開開心心!Wish you a nice day!

Re: 取消

我都睇唔過眼呀~ "取消" 關Fanny咩事???我識佢咁耐,佢唔會自己/叫人無聊到post個message讚自己的(咁cheap o既o野佢唔會做gar)~如果你都想bravenet平靜d,少留d<對號入座>的message為妙!

a suggestion

May be next time, everyone who applies for joining the birthday party needs to bank in the fee before the deadline for confirmation. The lumpsum left behind, if any, can be contributed to charity.

Well, this suggestion may not be welcomed by all of the fans but at least it would save the party planner from too much tedious coordinating work. Although I have no experience with orgainising a big party I can imagine how tiresome it is. So thanks a lot to Fanny and Lydia for what they have done for us.

This is the first year I join the birthday party and I am feeling very excited with it. Hope all of us would enjoy the party.

Re: a suggestion

Even though I will not be joining in the BP celebration, but I agree with Yee's suggestion of a deposit upon confirmation of attendance for future events. This will definitely save a lot of headaches of 'no-show' problem. The main purpose of the BP is for everyone to enjoy the celebration together with Jessica. It is not a time for ill feelings. Praise should be given to the people organizing cos it's really not a easy job. Lots of things to look into and bound to have hick-ups here and there. At the end of it all, what everybody want is to have a memorable day with Jessica and sharing her happiness.

Re: a suggestion

能参與 Jessica BP原本是一件開開心心的事, 何必閙成這樣呢?既然已報名了, 就要遵守承諾.再閙下去讓偶像知道了也不好!!希望大家明白.

Re: a suggestion

其實真的參加到Jessica BP己經是很開心了﹐大家不必要再為此事而
辨論了,我覺得報了名就要遵守規則,大家都是Jessica Fans都庝愛她,再這樣辦論下去讓Jessica知道就不好了﹐以后可能連什麼活動都沒有﹐這又何必呢?


Re: 愛人者人恒愛之,敬人者人恒敬之。


Re: 取消



I think enough of these.. Agreed that...

Agreed that Rain shouldn't be pointing the finger to anyone or make any assumption/comment unless she is 100% sure on things. And, I doubt anyone would do such silly thing to praise her/himself by being offensive and blaming others.

We should be appreciated what others does/did for Jessica. Organising a party is not an easy thing. So, let's not focus on minor things and be considerate!

It's totally up to our own discretion whether joining the party or not. There's nothing to be mad about. Just not worth it. And the most important thing is as long as Jessica is happy, we should be happy too! That's what we are here for.

Let's keep bravenet as peaceful as it could be!


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