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ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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English translation of News from Singtao

Oops, i left out reading this article just now. Was debating if I should translate this as it is not exactly a new topic..(I am getting a bit lazy to spend my Sunday mornings/early afternoons translating..hee hee..) but in the end i persevered...so here it is:

Self-professed "Lazy bum", Jessica hardly goes for facials and masks on regular days. However, she insists: "As long as a woman is unmarried, she has to maintain a glowing complexion".

The weather has turned cool in the early autumn; any oversight in the skincare regime and the dry weather will make you pay for it with your smooth and tender complexion! Fine lines and spots will appear easily in dry and tired skin. Jessica understands this principle very well, which is why she has made adequate skincare preparations and is facing the change of season with ease. In fact, many big brands are now aggressively marketing new anti-wrinkle products.

Jessica has finished filming TV serials in Jul and will start again only in January next year. So she is currently resting; no wonder she looks especially dazzling.

(Hope no mistake in this coming paragraph...not sure of some words):

When she recalls the late-night repeat telecast of "A step into the Past", Jessica candidly says that her current complexion is much better than her complexion then. She says: " One of my friends has told me that a woman over the age of 25 has to keep (maintain). She even uses apples as a warning example: If an apple which is full of wrinkles is wrapped in cling-wrap or other methods to repair its appearance, nothing can be fixed. What is critical is keeping (maintenance) and prevention."

Jessica, who possesses a cheerful, straight-talking attitude like a man, gets expression lines due to work or lack of sleep. After applying foundation, her expression lines has little place to hide. That is why jessica, who usually only takes care of basic cleansing, applying eye cream and moisturiser, and who hardly goes for facials, has started using products that reduce fine lines. Because the product only needs to be used morning and evening, after cleansing and before moisturising to achieve its expected results, it has attracted much liking from this "lazy bum".

As September approaches, many women will be troubled by the change of season and will start scouting for new skincare products to save their increasingly dry skin. But to Jessica who has combination skin, she is not too worried. She suggests that everyone uses more moisturising masks and creams; drink plenty of water; eat more salads, fruits and vegetables; and cut down on tid-bits and fried food.

(The last 3 paragraphs talk abt the French skincare brand Simone Mahler and nothing on Jessica, so I can stop here. Yeah! Goodbye! )

Thank u so much! :)

Take care!

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Oops, i left out reading this article just now. Was debating if I should translate this as it is not exactly a new topic..(I am getting a bit lazy to spend my Sunday mornings/early afternoons translating..hee hee..) but in the end i persevered...so here it is:

Self-professed "Lazy bum", Jessica hardly goes for facials and masks on regular days. However, she insists: "As long as a woman is unmarried, she has to maintain a glowing complexion".

The weather has turned cool in the early autumn; any oversight in the skincare regime and the dry weather will make you pay for it with your smooth and tender complexion! Fine lines and spots will appear easily in dry and tired skin. Jessica understands this principle very well, which is why she has made adequate skincare preparations and is facing the change of season with ease. In fact, many big brands are now aggressively marketing new anti-wrinkle products.

Jessica has finished filming TV serials in Jul and will start again only in January next year. So she is currently resting; no wonder she looks especially dazzling.

(Hope no mistake in this coming paragraph...not sure of some words):

When she recalls the late-night repeat telecast of "A step into the Past", Jessica candidly says that her current complexion is much better than her complexion then. She says: " One of my friends has told me that a woman over the age of 25 has to keep (maintain). She even uses apples as a warning example: If an apple which is full of wrinkles is wrapped in cling-wrap or other methods to repair its appearance, nothing can be fixed. What is critical is keeping (maintenance) and prevention."

Jessica, who possesses a cheerful, straight-talking attitude like a man, gets expression lines due to work or lack of sleep. After applying foundation, her expression lines has little place to hide. That is why jessica, who usually only takes care of basic cleansing, applying eye cream and moisturiser, and who hardly goes for facials, has started using products that reduce fine lines. Because the product only needs to be used morning and evening, after cleansing and before moisturising to achieve its expected results, it has attracted much liking from this "lazy bum".

As September approaches, many women will be troubled by the change of season and will start scouting for new skincare products to save their increasingly dry skin. But to Jessica who has combination skin, she is not too worried. She suggests that everyone uses more moisturising masks and creams; drink plenty of water; eat more salads, fruits and vegetables; and cut down on tid-bits and fried food.

(The last 3 paragraphs talk abt the French skincare brand Simone Mahler and nothing on Jessica, so I can stop here. Yeah! Goodbye! )

Thanks! Hehe your so funny!

My quest to spread Jessica new around!!!

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Oops, i left out reading this article just now. Was debating if I should translate this as it is not exactly a new topic..(I am getting a bit lazy to spend my Sunday mornings/early afternoons translating..hee hee..) but in the end i persevered...so here it is:

Self-professed "Lazy bum", Jessica hardly goes for facials and masks on regular days. However, she insists: "As long as a woman is unmarried, she has to maintain a glowing complexion".

The weather has turned cool in the early autumn; any oversight in the skincare regime and the dry weather will make you pay for it with your smooth and tender complexion! Fine lines and spots will appear easily in dry and tired skin. Jessica understands this principle very well, which is why she has made adequate skincare preparations and is facing the change of season with ease. In fact, many big brands are now aggressively marketing new anti-wrinkle products.

Jessica has finished filming TV serials in Jul and will start again only in January next year. So she is currently resting; no wonder she looks especially dazzling.

(Hope no mistake in this coming paragraph...not sure of some words):

When she recalls the late-night repeat telecast of "A step into the Past", Jessica candidly says that her current complexion is much better than her complexion then. She says: " One of my friends has told me that a woman over the age of 25 has to keep (maintain). She even uses apples as a warning example: If an apple which is full of wrinkles is wrapped in cling-wrap or other methods to repair its appearance, nothing can be fixed. What is critical is keeping (maintenance) and prevention."

Jessica, who possesses a cheerful, straight-talking attitude like a man, gets expression lines due to work or lack of sleep. After applying foundation, her expression lines has little place to hide. That is why jessica, who usually only takes care of basic cleansing, applying eye cream and moisturiser, and who hardly goes for facials, has started using products that reduce fine lines. Because the product only needs to be used morning and evening, after cleansing and before moisturising to achieve its expected results, it has attracted much liking from this "lazy bum".

As September approaches, many women will be troubled by the change of season and will start scouting for new skincare products to save their increasingly dry skin. But to Jessica who has combination skin, she is not too worried. She suggests that everyone uses more moisturising masks and creams; drink plenty of water; eat more salads, fruits and vegetables; and cut down on tid-bits and fried food.

(The last 3 paragraphs talk abt the French skincare brand Simone Mahler and nothing on Jessica, so I can stop here. Yeah! Goodbye! )

Thanks to Stephanie!

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轉 季 抗 皺 — — 宣 萱 分 享 護 顏 妙 法

自 認 「 懶 精 」 的 宣 萱 , 即 使 平 日 少 做 Facial 和 面 膜 , 但 仍 堅 持 ﹕ 「 女 人 一 日 未 結 婚 , 都 要 保 持 容 光 煥 發 ﹗ 」






  說到滋潤和去細紋,坊間的有關產品多不勝數,加入剛被引進香港的法國專業護膚品牌Simone Mahler,選擇真豐富。

  Simone Mahler成立至今已有四十多年,在法國開設了超過七十家連鎖店,另外在意大利、西班牙、沙地阿拉伯、摩洛哥及首爾都擁有自家的美容院。其產品向以高效能及高濃縮見稱,讓肌膚能在短時間內改善質素及回復狀態。設於銅鑼灣毗鄰崇光百貨的香港首家專門店,於上月開業至今,已擁有不少明星及名人捧場客,包括董敏莉、鄒世龍、唐浩雯、楊諾思等。店內提供品牌的各種護膚產品,店的一邊闢作療程間,提供面部護理、全身按摩、修身等療程服務,可謂照顧周到。



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宣 萱 力 撐 郭 羨 妮 : 放 過 佢 啦

  (星島日報報道 宣萱和郭羨妮這對曾傳出不和的無當家花旦,前者可以說是絕無隔夜仇,因為她還力撐對方被人偷拍了在內地拍劇時隨處大小便已經很慘,她認為﹕「放過佢啦﹗可能佢係為大局想,不想拖慢進度,所以盡快解決﹗」


  工作方面,宣萱會先充電然後才為《衝上雲霄》第二集開工,「數日後會去澳洲出席表弟的婚禮,預期逗留一星期。(家人可有催婚﹖ 他們已不問了,澳洲之行後會再去北海道,《衝》劇起碼要拍半年,所以趁空檔好好充電。」

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[2005-09-11] 藝人「告急」請予「方便」


 【本報訊】(記者 李慶全)向海嵐上月開始感到胃部不適,體重驟降五、六磅,她即入院照胃鏡,醫生驗出她是胃酸倒流及胃內有幽門螺旋菌,要服用抗生素兩個月,亦要她戒酸辣食物。





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宣萱盼傳媒放過郭羨妮 2005年9月11日






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片 場 拍 劇 遇 三 急   就 地 解 決
宣 萱 撐 郭 羨 妮 : 迫 不 得 已

近 日 有 報 道 指 郭 羨 妮 在 內 地 拍 劇 期 間 隨 處 「 方 便 」 , 同 是 無 線 旗 下 花 旦 的 宣 萱 , 前 晚 出 席 一 時 裝 活 動 時 力 撐 郭 羨 妮 , 認 為 演 員 在 荒 蕪 之 地 開 工 , 此 情 此 景 確 是 情 非 得 已 。

宣 萱 、 向 海 嵐 、 李 彩 華 (Rain) 、 滕 麗 名 和 韓 君 婷 , 前 晚 一 起 出 席 中 環 IFC 舉 行 的 2005 秋 冬 時 裝 演 , 期 間 阿 Rain 和 滕 麗 名 分 別 穿 上 性 感 tube top 和 露 肩 裝 , 搶 盡 其 他 女 星 風 頭 。

向 海 嵐 教 路 少 飲 水
近 日 有 雜 誌 指 郭 羨 妮 在 河 南 拍 攝 劇 集 《 爭 霸 傳 奇 》 期 間 , 為 貪 方 便 而 棄 廁 所 不 用 , 寧 願 匿 埋 片 場 一 二 角 「 解 決 」 。 同 是 港 姐 冠 軍 的 向 海 嵐 被 問 到 此 事 時 , 顯 得 有 點 避 忌 , 未 有 正 面 回 答 , 只 說 : 「 我 自 己 去 到 荒 山 野 嶺 拍 時 候 , 會 飲 少 o的 水 , 等 到 放 食 飯 o個 陣 先 至 去 。 」
不 過 , 宣 萱 卻 力 撐 郭 羨 妮 說 : 「 好 正 常 o者 傳 媒 唔 好 做 到 咁 誇 張 ! 我 好 明 白 演 員 o係 荒 山 野 嶺 冇 廁 所 , 迫 不 得 已 先 至 會 咁 做 。 我 就 盡 量 叫 司 機 車 我 去 就 近 廁 所 , 然 後 匿 埋 一 邊 搵 助 手 睇 水 。 」

宣 萱 力 撐 郭 羨 妮 , 認 為 在 荒 蕪 的 地 方 拍 劇 找 廁 所 確 有 困 難 。

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Additional info from News from Takungpao

Basically, these news articles are similar to what I had translated yesterday, so i shan't translate these again.

But I just want to tell you guys the extra info from this newspaper is that "TITS 2" will comprise 40 episodes. Filming will start in Jan next year and take about 6 months to complete. During this period, they will have to go to china for outdoor filming. That is why Jessica is using this current free time to recharge before starting work again.

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Thank you for your translations as always!

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Basically, these news articles are similar to what I had translated yesterday, so i shan't translate these again.

But I just want to tell you guys the extra info from this newspaper is that "TITS 2" will comprise 40 episodes. Filming will start in Jan next year and take about 6 months to complete. During this period, they will have to go to china for outdoor filming. That is why Jessica is using this current free time to recharge before starting work again.

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To: NSF, thank you so much 4 everything..

You're wonderful, NSF!!!

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Replying to:

Basically, these news articles are similar to what I had translated yesterday, so i shan't translate these again.

But I just want to tell you guys the extra info from this newspaper is that "TITS 2" will comprise 40 episodes. Filming will start in Jan next year and take about 6 months to complete. During this period, they will have to go to china for outdoor filming. That is why Jessica is using this current free time to recharge before starting work again.

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News collection website: http://www.suenhuen.com/
For Jessica WEBSITES, goto: The Strongest Links
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