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ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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I think your pinyin for cantonese is not accurate.... but then again very few uses the standard ping yum of cantonese ...everyone uses there own.

dui wu ju(c)mean sorry!----- dui mm ju

tan ya zan(c)mean wait for a moment!----dan yat jun

zui jin(c)mean bye,see u!----jor geen
added on
lay- you
ngaw(ngoh,ngor)- I

lay ho mah? - How are you?

Ngaw(ngoh,ngor) ho tong ngaw!! - I am starving!!

Ngaw gaw mang hai.... - My name is...

Ngaw oi lay! - I love you

dor jer - thank you (e.g. when someone gives you a present)

mm goi - is also thank you but its more like "please".. you say it when someone does a favour for you, etc.

If you wanna learn canto this is good

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OK!it's the time to start lesson 2!!

對不起 dui bu qi(M)dui wu ju(c)mean sorry!

等一下 den yi xia(M)tan ya zan(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)zui jin(c)mean bye,see u!

(M)mean mandarin and (c)mean cantonese...and i find that cantonese is very diffiult for translate....if have any mistake,pls correct 4 me!!Thanks!!

ah..chad,can u understand??still wanna learn??keep hard don't lay gas for it !!Keep hard

Re: Re: Re: Re: hey,chad im'here.....for these who wanna learn mandarin and cantonese!!Basic~lesson


Some corrections to the cantonese vocalization:

對不起 dui bu qi(M)tui em ju(c)mean sorry! (對不起 reads as "tui pat hei" in Cantonese, but in every day spoken Cantonese, we say "tui em ju")

等一下 den yi xia(M)tang yat ha(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)joi kin(c)mean bye,see u!

Hope that helps!

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Replying to:

OK!it's the time to start lesson 2!!

對不起 dui bu qi(M)dui wu ju(c)mean sorry!

等一下 den yi xia(M)tan ya zan(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)zui jin(c)mean bye,see u!

(M)mean mandarin and (c)mean cantonese...and i find that cantonese is very diffiult for translate....if have any mistake,pls correct 4 me!!Thanks!!

ah..chad,can u understand??still wanna learn??keep hard don't lay gas for it !!Keep hard


Sorry..."tui em ju" should read "tui mm ju". Struggling on how to put the pronunciation down...I wasn't sure if yu would be confused with "mm"

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Some corrections to the cantonese vocalization:

對不起 dui bu qi(M)tui em ju(c)mean sorry! (對不起 reads as "tui pat hei" in Cantonese, but in every day spoken Cantonese, we say "tui em ju")

等一下 den yi xia(M)tang yat ha(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)joi kin(c)mean bye,see u!

Hope that helps!

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Replying to:

OK!it's the time to start lesson 2!!

對不起 dui bu qi(M)dui wu ju(c)mean sorry!

等一下 den yi xia(M)tan ya zan(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)zui jin(c)mean bye,see u!

(M)mean mandarin and (c)mean cantonese...and i find that cantonese is very diffiult for translate....if have any mistake,pls correct 4 me!!Thanks!!

ah..chad,can u understand??still wanna learn??keep hard don't lay gas for it !!Keep hard

Re: Chad...


what u's reaction about all article....do u wanna continue to learn??

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Sorry..."tui em ju" should read "tui mm ju". Struggling on how to put the pronunciation down...I wasn't sure if yu would be confused with "mm"

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Some corrections to the cantonese vocalization:

對不起 dui bu qi(M)tui em ju(c)mean sorry! (對不起 reads as "tui pat hei" in Cantonese, but in every day spoken Cantonese, we say "tui em ju")

等一下 den yi xia(M)tang yat ha(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)joi kin(c)mean bye,see u!

Hope that helps!

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Replying to:

OK!it's the time to start lesson 2!!

對不起 dui bu qi(M)dui wu ju(c)mean sorry!

等一下 den yi xia(M)tan ya zan(c)mean wait for a moment!

再見  zai jian(M)zui jin(c)mean bye,see u!

(M)mean mandarin and (c)mean cantonese...and i find that cantonese is very diffiult for translate....if have any mistake,pls correct 4 me!!Thanks!!

ah..chad,can u understand??still wanna learn??keep hard don't lay gas for it !!Keep hard

ah...guys(rlta,bubbles and chad)

To:rlta,bubbles and chad...

ahn...i am sorry cause i also wrong in mandarin and cantonese...!! ah,it difficult to translate in word by me cause my Pin ying is poor...so usually the word type out is wrong...and cantonese..i only knew some of it(learn from movie)...and i think i should stop for it...cause i scare chad will confuse those word..

ah..rita,what about u teach chad mandarin??And i wanna learn Pin ying from u also!!Thanks for correct my mis

Bubbles..u from kL...ah,now i stay in KL also,but i am in kajang!!nice to meet u!!

Hi Rachel...

I'm living Singapore now.

But, I'll stay in PJ everytime I go back to KL for the holidays.

Yeah, nice knowing you!

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Replying to:

To:rlta,bubbles and chad...

ahn...i am sorry cause i also wrong in mandarin and cantonese...!! ah,it difficult to translate in word by me cause my Pin ying is poor...so usually the word type out is wrong...and cantonese..i only knew some of it(learn from movie)...and i think i should stop for it...cause i scare chad will confuse those word..

ah..rita,what about u teach chad mandarin??And i wanna learn Pin ying from u also!!Thanks for correct my mis

Bubbles..u from kL...ah,now i stay in KL also,but i am in kajang!!nice to meet u!!

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