
**Hong Kong
ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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Thank you, NSF, for such an excellent and long translation!

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Thanks to Stephanie for posting so many articles. I will try to translate this one from Singpao coz it is among the longest articles that talked abt jessica the most and also revealed who will be coming with Jessica to Singapore

Jessica accepted the invitation yesterday from French skincare company,Clarins, to be its "Lip-protection Ambassador". Accompanied by 4 sexy Hawaiian ladies, Jessica took the tram to Causeway Bay to distribute presents in the busy street. Jessica wore a shoulder-revealing dress; compared with the 4 sexy ladies, she appeared more covered up. Nevertheless, her beauty still attracted a Caucasian's liking. The 2 of them spoke in English and appeared to enjoy the conversation. But it is a pity that Jessica is against relationships with those in foreign land.

Although Jessica is not the spokesperson (for Clarins), she is very satisfied with her marketing fees in this working relationship with the company. Jessica, who has sexy lips and her personal lip-protection knowledge involves using a moisturising lip balm everyday to maintain her lips' moisture and suppleness. Faced with the 4 sexy models, she said in jest that she did not feel she picked the wrong dress which was more covered-up.

She also revealed that she would be going to Singapore with Roger Kwok for a stage performance (anyone knows the details? or is it wrong reporting coz other articles din't mention this part). After that, she would be travelling with Sunny Chan to Paris and Holland for promotions. As she had not been on vacation for a long time, after she is done with her task, she would drop by in London to visit friends and to attend an old friend's wedding. Thus, she would only start taking on new jobs in Nov. Although London has experienced many terrorists' attacks, Jessica felt that life and death is pre-destined, she would not be unduly worried. She had also done her preparations early by renting a hotel within the shopping district and avoid taking trains and underground trains while she is in London.

As regards her good friends who have been getting married one after another, the reporter asked when it would be her turn. Jessica replied that she was not anxious and would let fate decide. She said: "Though many of my good friends have been married successively, there are still 1 or 2 girl friends who keep me company." As she would be travelling soon, the reporter asked if she hoped to develop relationships in a foreign land. Jessica was forthcoming in revealing that she was against this: "Although I had studied overseas, I had never gone steady with Caucasians as I feel that the Chinese culture is very different and it's hard to comunicate this clearly. Moreover, it is very difficult to maintain a relationship when both parties are apart."


The end....so long....and tiring...hope i dint make any mistakes.. esp the part on the stage performance in Singapore??

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【 明 報 專 訊 】 宣 萱 昨 日 以 「 護 唇 大 使 」 身 分 出 席 CLARINS 唇 彩 發 布 會 , 穿 上 背 心 裙 的 她 , 性 感 程 度 遜 於 同 場 的 4 名 森 巴 女 郎 。

宣 萱 稍 後 先 與 郭 晉 安 到 新 加 坡 , 再 跟 陳 錦 鴻 去 巴 黎 及 荷 蘭 宣 傳 , 她 會 順 道 停 留 英 國 探 望 舊 同 學 。 對 於 早 前 英 國 受 恐 怖 襲 擊 , 宣 萱 覺 得 一 切 自 有 定 數 , 但 她 亦 選 了 鄰 近 購 物 區 的 酒 店 , 以 避 開 乘 搭 地 鐵 , 她 笑 說 ﹕ 「 炸 一 炸 , 英 鎊 即 刻 跌 價 , 當 然 要 去 啦 ﹗ 」 宣 萱 9 月 要 到 澳 洲 出 席 親 戚 的 婚 禮 , 問 她 可 有 被 家 人 催 婚 ﹖ 她 笑 說 ﹕ 「 佢  已 經 放 棄 啦 ﹗ 我 現 階 段 寧 缺 莫 濫 , 如 果 為 結 婚 而 結 婚 , 只 會 增 添 煩 惱 。 」 宣 萱 大 表 反 對 異 國 戀 , 而 她 在 外 國 留 學 多 年 , 未 試 過 與 洋 人 拍 拖 。

記 者 ﹕ 楊 歡 成

宣 萱 嘟 起 嘴 宣 傳 唇 彩 。 ( 攝 影 / 記 者 ﹕ 楊 歡 成 )

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宣萱英國探友 無懼恐襲 娛 樂 — 娛 樂 要 聞

宣 萱 昨 日 獲 化 妝 品 牌 邀 請 擔 任 「 護 唇 大 使 」 , 並 公 開 護 理 朱 唇 心 得 : 「 其 實 塗 潤 唇 膏 最 重 要 , 除 早 、 晚 之 外 , 平 時 出 街 都 會 帶 定 一 支 傍 身 。 」 宣 萱 透 露 稍 後 將 赴 加 拿 大 、 巴 黎 、 荷 蘭 等 地 方 宣 傳 無 劇 , 順 道 到 英 國 探 望 一 班 舊 同 學 , 問 到 可 擔 心 恐 怖 襲 擊 ? 她 處 之 泰 然 說 : 「 炸 過 之 後 英 鎊 平 好 多 , 其 實 抵 去 。 我 覺 得 好 多 係 整 定 , 無 得 擔 心 , 不 過 我 都 會 盡 量 揀 一 間 近 購 物 區 酒 店 居 住 , 減 少 坐 地 下 鐵 機 會 。 」

而 九 月 宣 萱 更 會 出 發 往 澳 洲 , 出 席 親 友 的 婚 宴 , 她 坦 言 家 人 對 她 的 婚 事 已 採 取 放 棄 態 度 。 問 到 咁 多 外 遊 機 會 , 可 會 考 慮 跟 芝 一 樣 找 「 老 外 」 ( 外 國 人 ) 談 戀 愛 ? 她 笑 說 : 「 我 外 國 讀 書 咁 耐 都 未 試 過 , 始 終 不 同 地 方 生 活 , 好 難 維 繫 感 情 。 」

宣 萱 與 夏 威 夷 女 郎 一 起 宣 傳 , 笑 言 最 重 要 靚 , 不 擔 心 被 比 較 。

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 另外,九月她又要去澳洲參加親戚的婚禮,問其家人可有趁機向她催婚?她笑道:「他們已經放棄了,現階段拍拖與否都無所謂,寧缺毋濫,如果為結婚而結婚,只會自找煩惱。(你今次去多個地方,有否寄望發展異國戀? 我一向不贊成異國戀,因大家文化不同,而且分隔太遠也難維繫,所以雖然我留學外國多年,但從未試過與洋人拍拖。」


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Thanks for the translation!! Good job!

Thank you NSF, for the translation.

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