![]() | LATEST INFO of JESSICA **Hong Kong ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net |
I can’t really recall how long I haven’t been to this site. And for someone who used to stop by at least 5 times a day, trust me, it took a lot of feeling being out of place.
I landed here today by chance. In fact, my fingers were tapping randomly on my keyboard as I was trying to remember the address of the site I originally intended to visit. Before I know it, however, the URL of this site bled from my fingers and lo and behold, I am here. Memories are scary. Yet bloody honest.
I have been a fan since the ‘90s. That’s probably not an entirely correct sentence, but forgive me, I still struggle every time I try to conjugate the verb to “was.” So to many of you who frequent this site today, I can be your granny – fan-age wise. Back in the days, I used to own every single one of Jessica’s dramas – in tape. Trust me, the weight of that could easily crush most people into pieces. The extent of my fan-love was, put mildly, simply incredible. And yet outside my fandom, I’ve always been a rational and level-headed person. So I understood fan-love could die and that one day, I could stop loving her. But never in a hundred years could I have imagined that it could die such a painful death.
And it did.
Before I go on, I must say that I still very much respect Jessica and I will remain forever grateful to her for the many positive ways she has impacted my life. In fact, I owe my choice of career to her, thanks to her very successful portrayal of one of her best-known and classic roles.
But things changed. Sometime in the past few years, the performance began to turn lackluster. TVB’s low-quality production should take 2/3 of the blame, of course. But alongside it, it felt like her acting also took a sudden downgrade. I see her acting, acting hard alright. But you can tell she’s acting, and that’s the problem. What drew me to her initially was her ability to become the role, convince the audience so, and at the same time, have Jessica shine through. I see none of that in her recent works. What I see is mechanical acting; it’s almost like “Jessica” has thrown up her hands in the air and decided to take the backseat, while her body is left on set to do the acting work on its own. For someone who’s watched her acting from the beginning and knows how capable she is, that’s insulting. The end result is her recent roles all becoming a blur, and then I stopped bothering. Because watching her on screen these days is painful.
And what triggered my long-winded message today is the reply message from “Fans” to the Next Magazine piece a few postings down. I will brace myself for all your beatings, but I must say, I agree wit her and I think she is brave for voicing her thoughts. I am sorry to say this Jessica, but it is getting annoying. Every time we flip open a newspaper, I see some type of news about you and your boyfriend. We see it; we know it; we accept it. You have most people’s blessings. Now can we just move on?! It’s your personal life, of course, and that’s the point. Can we try to make it a little more personal and a lot less public? It’s incredulous how fans can ever complain about seeing their idol in the papers too much. But it’s happening. Right here. We understand the paparazzi are the ones to blame, but if the targets weren’t feeding them meat every now and then, they would’ve withered on their own by now, right?
And then I saw in the newspaper your reply to Selina’s unfortunate event. Your reply was, “I would remember to ask for body-doubles from now on.” To be honest, I was immediately heartbroken upon hearing that. Those who act as body-doubles have families and friends too, and their families and friends will be just as hurt and equally heartbroken if they were ever caught in such an unfortunate event. You statement sounded like a typical “Better you than me” and I just don’t think that was appropriate. I don’t know the whole conversation so I am in no position to judge. I truly hope it’s the media taking your words out of context or them fabricating stories again. But Jessica, what I’ve always loved about you is your conscientious personality and big heart, and that made me feel proud to be your fan. I hope none of that has rubbed off and this was simply a misunderstanding.
I don’t intend for this message to offend and I certainly hope it won’t. I came here today by chance and somehow felt compelled to share a few words before I leave, perhaps for good. This forum has indeed become so quiet and I know for a fact that many of those who have left share my thoughts. This forum is not known for being the most objective place so while you allow your fans indulge you in praise, I hope you will try to open your eyes and heart to criticism and honest voices. Once in a while. Like I’ve said and will say it again, you’ve affected my life in many positive ways and you will forever hold a special place in my heart. I thank you for all the beautiful memories, and hope you will continue to thrive as an actress and a respected woman.
Farewell, Jessica.
Hi My friend,
First, I don't think her skill is downgrade. It's still remarkable. Maybe the characters are just not your type, but it's unfair to say "downgrade". You should hear that they always say "一个好演员救不了一个烂剧本“。
Second, the paparazzi always can make up the stories under any circumstances. Nobody can change or stop them. One of my co-workers, she's not a fan of anybody. She always laughs at their non sense writings, and she tells me it's sounds so fake. Why should you care?
Third, If you still are or you were one of her fans, please don't get involved in her personal life.
Actually, I didn't read all. It's too long. That's all my I can say!
First of all, we respect you for spending so much time to type this extremely long message.
I guess it's really personal whether you like Jessica's acting or not. You don't have to watch it if you don't like. It's not like someone putting a gun on our heads to force us to watch anything which we do not enjoy afterall.
I never thought, believed or felt that Jessica was being high-profile at any time. Paparazzi is everywhere and we can't stop them for spreading wrong messages. I believe we are all old & mature enough to judge whether they are telling the truth or making up stories. Jessica is always professional and respectful. I don't think her comments on Selina's accident was being offensive or disrespectful to anyone. Please do not misinterpret of what she commented and it's a bit naive to make yourself "heartbroken" on this.
At last but not least, I think none of us could comment on her personal life, especially love life. It's just too personal & private and I am sure Jessica is mature enough to judge what kind of person her boyfriend really is. None of us knows better than she does! All of us shall never interfere with her personal life. This is what I called "RESPECT"!
Please be sensible!
Yeah. I'm agree with you Wing. This is called" respect"!
To"an old fan",
Let's put the other way. If your close friends even your parents try to manage your careers, or they try to control what type of friends you can make, will you be happy? No! right?. I guess you will tell them that's none their business!
And please do me a favor! If you like to leave a comment next time, please don't name yourself as "fan". I'm sorry, but I have to point out. You make others and I feel embarrassed here!
另外讲到替身,实在不明你想表达什么,。。随便一句话就让您 heartbroken ,您心灵脆弱的也太不堪一击了。替身本来就是个高危行业,而且选择这个工作的人也应该很清楚这个工作的危险性, 至于他们的家人朋友也应该很清楚。如果这个行业没有了需求市场,那这么多从事这个行业的人去做什么,他们都失业了您会去照顾他们的生活吗?您会去关心他们的家人和朋友吗?
依你的說法, 如果要避開狗仔隊和不要在那麼多公眾地方出現供狗仔隊作新聞, 那 Jessica 是不是收工後就要和男朋友24小時困在家裡才是你心目中的理想偶像. Jessica 也是一個普通的正常人, 收工後要有正常的社交生活, 見見朋友, 聚舊談天說地, 這是很正常的事. 唉, 人生短短幾十年, 無謂介意人家及 fans 怎様想, 想做就去做, 珍惜現在所擁有的, 才會不枉此生.
至於演戲方面, 好與不好是很主覯的, 每個觀眾有不同的口味, 喜歡就會覺得好, 不喜歡就會覺得不好, 就是這麼簡單.
Your messenger just is your personal opinions,I think you had spent a lot of time for it,it was bad.You damaged to Jessica,her fans.
Jessica is always a professional actress.Nearly,I watched her old series I think in past,she was good jod now too.Jessica and her boyfriend on Magazine is really normal,everyone are have their private life even her.
It's so silly,if she hidden her relationship,you'll be curious,now she opened it ,you said that.Being an artist so hard
Anyway,Jessica is our idol,we love her.
Please respect her,respect yourself ,
Dear Jessica,
I've just read 'a few honest words' written by someone and I've some comments.
Unlike most of your fans who have loved you for many years, I only began to appreciate you half a year ago because I've been too busy and have not much time watching TV. Lately, I watched two drama series--the one you acted with Bobby and the latest one in which you played a role as a magazine editor. Your acting skills are excellent so I disagree with someone saying that your acting skills have downgraded. Though I didn't watch much TV in the past, I remember whatever character you act, you never let us down. I understand it isn't easy being an actress because you aren't a lawyer, a judge or some other characters but you need to play that role and have to convince your audience. As far as I know, you didn't study drama in university and how can you act so well?
For your relationship with your boyfriend, I think it isn't a big deal. You've explained that you're not being high profile and that's fine. Maybe you bump into the paparazzi and you can't refuse to take photos. Maybe you just want to share your happiness with us. Maybe someone thinks in an opposite way. It doesn't matter. How can you cater to the needs or preference of everybody?
I just discovered this website half a year ago. I find this website really great. It's a place for sharing opinions, wonderful pictures and videos. I find the words 'anything offensive will be deleted immediately' on this site. I often find swear words in some other websites but none here. In a society of declining moral standards, it's amazing to find a healthy forum. Jessica, maybe you've disciplined your fans well.
I hope you'll read my message though I don't post messages frequently. I look forward to your excellent performance in the coming TV programmes.
Happy New Year!
Best wishes,
Seems like the news have affected some fans here. People always judge things when they dont really satisfy their needs. Also, I can't stop people giving opinions, but Jessica will consider it. Theres no absolute for some things never mind opinions.
Don't reproach her/him anymore. Anyway, she/he seemed to behave daredevil-ly but with good intent just to give what she/he thinks.
About her acting , yea, you'll accept and mad love in her role if you feel comfortable and natural and vice versa.
But I have to say I am so happy whenever the news of she and Ruan were spreading over here,weibo and wish forum! As I can know she's happy with her mr.Ruan . LOL and not being missing.
wah, miss you so much Jessicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.♥ You have given us too much surprises this Dec !
i've been visiting this forum almost everyday for more than a decade now though i hardly post anything. i've been a big fan since "man's best friend" and i have been following jessica through these years. i am quite selective with the series that i watch these days as i dont think they are comparable to those back in the 90s (my generation).
i wouldnt say jessica's acting has downgraded, it is still as good as it used to be but i have to admit that her roles are somewhat repetitive, thus not allowing her to "shine" n expand her versatility. im not sure if it is jessica's personal choice or people just love to cast her with that kind of roles. when we thought "sisters of pearl" was a good beginning, it died out halfway and left jessica back to her usual style. as much as we love jessica n her acting, i believe fans would love to see some "surprises" or new roles once in a while. i strongly look forward to jessica's performance in the new "phoenix" series with myolie and sunny.
regarding jessica's love life, i dont see a problem with how they are often seen in public. though she is a public figure, she is still human and she needs to go out n spend some time with her boyfriend. doesnt mean she has to be at home all the time. people can choose not to read those gossip magazines.. i dont think we have the right to control their personal lives.
fellow readers here should also not be harsh to "old fan" as he/she is just being honest with his/her opinion n im glad that he/she put it in a well-mannered way. everyone has their own opinion and we certainly should welcome "constructive criticisms" here rather than plain stabbing.
i wish jessica n all the fans a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best to everyone!
p/s: jessica is still my favourite hong kong tv actress, for more than 10 years..
Thanks for another perspective. What you said was neither correct nor incorrect. Difference in opinions are fine as long as it’s well presented.
My only question is…what fansite/forum is known for being dead-on objective?
I swing by this forum from time to time for some jess “news” update (be it nasty rumors or real news, I’m sure we all can tell) - not necessarily for the fans interactions amongst themselves.
I'm another old fan of Jessica who hasn't been here for at least 7 years but out of curiosity I decided to swing by today and lo and behold, this post caught my eye.
I doubt if you're reading this anymore, Original Poster, but you've got balls to post this and I admire it.
I used to be a die-hard fan of Jessica as well, but I drifted away once I went off to college and got preoccupied with real life. I stopped watching TVB dramas until my recent move back to HK, where there is sadly nothing else to watch at times. I agree that in recent years, Jessica's performance have been somewhat lacking; it's obviously at times that she's phoning it in. I can't blame her; obviously the real money is in the Mainland and her days as TVB 1 Jie are gone anyway. Quite honestly I don't think she minds as much as the fans do. It appears that she is far more invested in her current relationship, which is her priority.
I harbor no strong feelings for her now either way; at most there are just general feelings of indifference. I simply don't care. It's awesome. You should try it.
Like you, I sometimes reminisce fondly about my days as a fan, mostly because I was a simpler time in my life, where love was easy to come by and one is so sure of it. The fan interaction has always been nothing short of vicious. But isn't it entertaining to watch now from an outsider's perspective?
Take it easy, everyone. There's more to life than idol worship.
My first encounter with Jessica was two years ago. I didn't know of her 'existence' earlier...
I was never been a fan of any TVB actress because I hardly watched Hong Kong drama series due to my busy work schedule.
It was by sheer chance, one day, I picked up one very old DVD from rental shop because of special promotions. It was 'Ah Wang (Original Version)'. Immediately, I was attracted to Jessica because of excellent delivery of the role that she brought the character to life.
I went on to watch 'Square Peg' and her performance was superb!
The follow few weeks, since then, I continued to rent more of her older shows such as 'Lady Fan'& 'Golden Faith'. The video rental lady was so intriqued with me because I kept asking for all her old shows.
Jessica won my hearts and during these two years, I tried to follow her news whenever possible.
Last year, I found this website and I was so happy because I know this is an active website where fans and Jessica will constantly keep updates.
Her recent breakthrough was her role as a soft spoken gentle & submission wife as 'Qing Yun' [if I recall correctly]. Its a totally new type of role versus the past roles she had acted. I love her change to take on different range of roles.
Then, next is 'Sisters of Pearls' which I thought it's a good and refreshing change too. She has proven us her she is capable of taking on more challenging roles.
If I am not wrong, she has just recently taken on a role as a Qing emperor's concubine. I think she is brave to try a different role this time.
Gun Metal Grey 'Kim' is well suited for her as she is a good fit to act as love interest for Michael and Felix. Who else is more suitable than her?
Though I am not a hard-core fan following her news every day, but based on my observations during these two years, many will agree that Jessica is a smart, intelligent, independant beautiful lady who knows what she wants in her life. This is something that has impacted my life.
I respect Jessica's profession as an actress and I respect she deserves her privacy in her personal life.
In the entertainment industry, a new generaton will always be groomed to take over the older generation ah jie ah ge. That's life.
Be prepared, as Jessica grows older (so will we!), we will see her in more matured & senior or middle age roles - which I look forward to watch her in these different roles.
I don't idolise Jessica but I have learnt something good through her.
Ah Cat
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