
**Hong Kong
ViuTV原創劇《極度俏郎君》 featuring 宣萱、姜皓文、張慧儀以及ERROR四子 broadcast on April 17, 2023 @ 9:30pm. Monday through Friday *EVERYDAY* *B-net  

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Sudden #762


宣萱呢排冇劇拍,可以盡情同佢個獸醫老外男友拍拖 sweet sweet,有拖拍真係人都冇咁 dry。上星期日( 2月 28日)黃昏 6點幾,媽咪姐見佢素顏出現跑馬地,泊低架車諗住入一間專賣貴價精品同高科技產品嘅潮店 shopping,點知發現自己張八達通冇錢嘟咪錶。



喺呢個緊急關頭宣萱向潮店老闆求救,好彩佢係熟客咋,老闆亦即時跑出嚟幫佢入錶。心情靚到痹嘅宣萱買咗盒萬用叉電器,好開心咁離開,下一站去邊?當然係校啱時間去接 7點鐘收工嘅男友啦!

唔夠 1分鐘,一中年男人跑住嚟幫佢嘟咪錶。



Jessica is pregnant?

This time will be memorable in my life, I intend going to bed and sleep, suddenly, my friend sent me SMS say that Jessica is pregnant and I cant not believe and go to this site immediately, see the pic and I asked my mom "What do you think about my idol's pic?", my mom said that "maybe 5 months" Best wishes to Jessica

Re: Jessica is pregnant?



Re: Jessica is pregnant?

I think you should read the article first!!!!!!
not only see the pics

Re: Jessica is pregnant?

Our Jessica must be crazy!!!

Gigi Lai is 3 months pregnant NOT JESSICA

Re: Jessica is pregnant?


Summary: Jessica forgot to top up her card to pay for the carpark

Re: Sudden #762

My Dearest Fans,

Just want to let you know that I'm not pregnant. Just a little fat. It's holiday! Eating a 'little' more than usual. It was the day after I came back from Singapore and forgot to put my Octopus card back into my wallet. That's all. It's always amazing how much this magazine can make up. The product I bought was no where near that price! Can't believe they could not even be bothered to check the price. Sigh. Plus they always have to choose the worst pictures.

Anyway, I haven't thanked all the Singapore fans who came to the gathering and airport. It was nice seeing you all again. I know some of you couldn't make it, but there's always next time. Thanks for the presents and Pandan cake! It was very nice. Yum Yum! My parents enjoyed it, too.


Jessica 絕對相信你的....甚會聯想到這樣呢?

Jessica 絕對相信你的....不知甚會聯想到這樣呢?
但那他沒有辦法,只見有Jessica 報導就瘋狂了。

Re: Sudden #762

haha,jessica,you are so cute~
miss you so much !!!
love you~

Re: Sudden #762

Dear Jessica,

We trust you of course.

Please keep enjoying your holiday.


Re: Sudden #762

haha~~~~love you sooooooooo much~~~~~~~~

Miss You!期待來內地也會有聚會!

Just want to let you know we love you

Hi Jessica,

I want to say Sorry to you because of my misunderstanding. When seeing your picture, of course, it couldn't stop me thinking about your baby.

I sent the SMS to Hong and other Vietnamese fans, because as you know, we never have a chance to meet you in person, so when having some your news, your pictures, or even your clips, we're always happy for any reasons, especially your wedding. Hong, the person who came to HK last year, said this year, when she comes to HK, she will say that not know who Alec is haha!

Finally, hope you always be happy and happy! We are, Vietnamese fans, of course, always support you 4ever.

Re: Sudden #762

Just ignore of that magazine. they are too irresponsible.
It is so happy to know that you are a little bit fat,for which means that you really enjoy your holiday.Anyway,we will be always in your side.Just go on enjoy your holiday!Best wishes!

對於八卦,我們一向只看偶像,無視亂七八糟的文字。WE TRUST YOU~!

Re: Sudden #762

Just want you to know that ,we do not care about what the news have said .we just trust you!
I'm a HuNan fans...but ..I haven't see you face to face.I konw you have been to Changsha before//
but I lose the chance..Hope someday you will come
here!!/we HuNan fans will support you forever!
wish you everything is Ok !!!

Re: Sudden #762

we don't care about this gossip at all......it's you that always comes first to us.....

haha偶像你認真的好可愛,相一點也不醜,吐舌頭好可愛,love u~~

Re: Sudden #762

Of course we trust you, Jessica! I don't see you are fat anyway, you're so slim & beautiful in person!

I really enjoyed myself seeing you at the Airport & the gathering. Thank you for spending precious time with us.


唔係喇化, 邊忽似有咗呀!!

Never trust those crazy magazines!!!

Just some personal opinion...

Hi Jessica and everyone,

Just want to share some personal opinion here... I don't mean to offend anyone here, but If I do, I am very sorry...

Correct me if I'm wrong (As I am not very good in reading the Chinese-Cantonese report)... The report from the magazine (Sudden) is basically reporting something about Jessica and her Octupus card and the thing she bought, which is untrue and exaggerated... am I right? And, Jessica has clearly clarified with us what has actually happened that day... really appreciate this personal act from her... despite the fact that she maybe busy though she maybe on leave... Thanks alot Jessica...

As such, I am just very puzzled where did the news about her pregnancy come from... Was it just from someone out there, after looking at her picture in the magazine without knowing what the magazine is writing about? If that's the case, then this type of comments/news about her being pregnant was really unnessary and uncalled for... And I personally feel that it was quite an irresponsible act of whoever it was that came up with this nonsensical ideas/news/comments... I personally believed that if ever one day Jessica has any good news about her love life or her acting career, etc., she will definitely share with us... let's hear from her personally, which is directly from the horse's mouth... isn't that better?

Why bother to speculate, guess, or come up with untrue and unwise ideas/news/comments which may unknowingly turn into gossips which is unhealthy and maybe hurtful/harmful to her? Think about it, would anyone want to hurt someone they like or love?

In any case, I personally feel that any comments posted here by anyone should be constructive, positive, encouraging, healthy, etc. to Jessica... If ever any news from any magazines that are not true, let's just trust Jessica for whom she is and I believed that if there is any necessity to clarify, she will do it... just like this time...

In actual fact, I have seen Jessica in person in Singapore just recently (before this stupid news from Sudden), she is still so slim and not fat at all... and this is the TRUTH...

If I'm too longwinded, I am sorry... That's all I wish to share here... Again, I don't mean to offend anyone here...


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