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Hope we didn't appear to be trespassing in our hire car when we came over a couple of weeks ago.

This burglary is a real problem. Despite the fact the only thing on our land was a small shovel and some wooden stakes - we found the shovel had been stolen! How sad/mad are these people?!

Anyway. It was lovely to come home (at least to what we hope will be home one day) and sorry we didn't meet up with those we hoped to. Did bump into this crowd at Valle though!


Sherrian and I are sorry we missed you guys when you were here. Next time you hop the ocean hopefully we'll finally get together.

I'm not trying to be the local hard case. I just have a burr under my saddle about these burglars and poachers. This past Monday, I actually met a very nice couple looking at parcels here on 4 Hills. I gave them directions and waved good-bye. I didn't wave my guns at them even once!


Was that couple you met driving a silver Toyota with a matching shell?
Just wondering. . . .


Yep, Sara, that was you guys. Sara and . . . Joe(?) I think. Driving that silver Toyota Tundra (nice truck).

I hope you guys had a succesful search when you were here. Sherrian is the Board prez now, so I guess I'll have to be on my best behavior .

Looks like this is going to be another "Globemallow year" as their orange flowers are visible blooming all over the ranch. The recent rains have been nice, too.

There are just a handful of us living out here, so any new faces are nice to see. Are you guys looking for a place to recreate or to set-up a home? Good luck, either way!


Good memory!
Yes that was Joe and I. Nice meeting you by the way. When you saw us that was our third day in a row looking at the ranch.
So were you on your way back home or were you on patrol?

I’ve been looking at land on line for about 4 years. We have looked at land all over Northern Az and Southern Utah. We hike all the time and the ranch was our first choice because it is central in location to the places we hike.

We are planning on living there full time. We are in escrow for lot #668. After we close escrow, you will probably see that Tundra around a lot more!

So far it seems like all the people there are like minded and easy to get along with. We both are looking forward to making the move out away from suburbia! (Our suburbia: Paulden on 2 ½ ac with only 6 neighbors on our street!)

You don’t have to be on your best behavior!


Hey, Sara and Joe!
The name-remembering thing is from my previous life in sales. Besides, it has a certain "ring" to it. As to whether I was coming back home or on patrol, the answer is yes and yes. I was doing a quickie patrol and figured as long as I was on the east side of the ranch I might as well check the mail across the road.

Where do you guys like to hike? I used to love hiking in Grand Canyon, a bit in Flag as well as Sedona--but not so much lately.

We have an "interesting" mix of folks out here. Most are fairly normal, though.

I love the freedom to recreate and explore on our land without worrying about the Mr. and Mrs. Anal McLooney neighbors freaking out over one thing or another. Great views, too.

Talk at you later. Over and out!


Hi Bruce

That's cool you hike. Does your wife hike too? Or is she too busy being the new prez, that's got to be a lot of work!
So what did you do in Sales? (Just being nosey.)
That's cool you remembered our names, I very rarely remember names. . . but faces I never forget!

We hike all over. We have done most of the trails, some off trail stuff in the Grand Canyon including a 4 day backpack trip starting in Cameron down the little Colorado to the Grand canyon coming out the new Hance trail (100 miles).
All over AZ: West Clear Creek, The Rim, all of the Superstitions, a little in Flag and Sedona.
Southern Utah: The Robbers Roost, canyonlands, Cedar Mesa, Zion, Esalante, and others.
California (I was from there. . .once)Death Valley, Joshua tree, the desert where there isn't any people.
Oh and we Cave too, although I haven’t gotten to go underground in over a year now. Sucks! I love to cave, It's like hiking, but you crawl, squeze and get very muddy sometimes.
If you are bored:
You (and everyone I guess) can check out the stuff we do.

If all the people are like the few we have met so far, then I know we will love it there!

Talk to you later


Hello again, Sara and Joe!
Well . . . I gotta say that I'm glad I checked out your Flickr site. I highly recommend that others check it out as well. Great pix and great adventures. You must use a pretty decent camera. The photos are Arizona Highways-worthy!

I watched a slideshow of your Grandview/Horseshoe Mesa hike as I did that one, too. It was a blustery, yet sunny, day that had me sweating and freezing alternately. I had a mild case of hypo when I topped out that took a few hours to get over.

My buddy and I found an abandoned mining cave and some old equipment, too, but nothing as involved as what you guys were exploring. Where was that? Did you know it was there or just come upon it? Very cool.

Sherrian used to be an avid hiker, but like me, hasn't done it in several years. We took a "Geology of Grand Canyon" class at Coconino Community College back in `04(?) that involved a few day trips with hiking. We were both hurting! Anyway . . . we'd love to get back into it, but our schedules--especially Sherrian's--are so busy lately that hiking and going off on neat adventures like yours seems more like a dream.

A few years ago, I lost my climbing buddy, Michael, when he got married and moved to Phoenix. I still hope to get back into climbing (especially trad). I even plan to put up some climbing holds on the N side of our house so the kids can learn bouldering and traversing.

As far as my sales life goes . . . I've sold synthesizers, real estate, mortgages, cars and {groans} time shares. Yikes!!! I've also done carpentry, painting, and drywall work. Even spent about eight years as a pro musician (piano/synth). I dropped out of college to be a rock star. [Ask me how THAT worked out! ] Needless to say, I have a schizophrenic resume.

I liked studying your profiles on the Flickr site, too. How is it that "Drop Zone" is listed a fave? Any skydiving background? That was (and still is) one of my greatest passions. Also on the shelf for now. Someday . . . .

I hope all you lurkers out there are enjoying our "private" chat. Maybe I should start a "Hobbies, Skills, and Passions" thread. We had some owners over last Sunday and we were discussing what skills the various landowners can bring to the table. That could be helpful information if TSHTF. [Any "survivalist/preppers" out there know what that means].


Hi Bruce!

I do know what it is like to be so busy and don't get any time to do your past-time fun stuff. Hopefully as the kids get older you two will be able to get out and hike, skydive, and climb again.
The fun thing is as the kids do get old enough, Sherrian and you will be able to introduce them to all the places you hiked- new and exciting for them.
If we had kids, I know our adventure time would be non-existent, just by how busy we are now!

Ahh Drop Zone, yes I love that movie! That's so cool you use to skydive. I always wanted to but haven't yet. And yes that movie got me thinking about trying skydiving a lot!

I had to giggle about the climbing holds on the house. It is funny- awesome idea too- we had planned on doing the same thing where we live now. You totally should, the kids would love it. It would be so much fun for all of you.

So, after you asked about Drop Zone, I actually had to re-read the profile, it had been so long since we wrote it.
Thanks for the complements also! I love to take photos. A long long time ago I was accepted to Cal Arts in Valencia for photography. . . . but tuition was way too expensive since I was the one paying the bill (all the bills) working full time at Costco. So I settled on a Community College.
I've had a few things published and a some are in our buddy's book "Techinal Canyoneering Arizona", by Todd Martin.
But if you look at Larry's (one of my "contacts" on flickr and close friends) HE is the one who needs to be a Pro. photographer. He is amazing with the camera.

The Grand Canyon. . . it is one of my favorite places. The loop is fun, if the weather is not like the kind you had! Page springs is some of the best water and is always full. Did you go in the mine tunnel?

Most of the mines we have been in are in our 4X4 book. Some are not. . . the ones on flickr are in Death Valley and the KOFA's (king of Az mine) wild life refuge near I-8, borders Yuma.
Joe has a really good Topo map program. Every hike we plan on, he will study the topo for that place. If he sees a mine symbol on the map we will usually check it out.
We actually 'found' one on a 4X4 drive we did in the desert that when I described it to me Dad later, he had been in it when he was a teen!

**I hope everyone is enjoying our conversation!

Actually I like that idea of a "Hobbies, Skills, and Passions" thread. It is always a good idea to 'know who can do what', 'who likes to do what' and 'who to turn to' when the system collapses. (it will) We have a really good friend who is a survivalist-primitive skills-sustainable lifestyle teacher. I actually talked to Thad about Cody, (my friend). He is a little odd, in a good way. Cody is the one we would turn to when TSHTF and all hell breaks loose.

Talk to you later