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Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

Look at this web site for information.

This wind farm looks like it will really hurt the views both day and night.

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

Quoted from the Williams Newspaper:

"Whenever we have a land proposal project there is a requirement that the applicants do their own version of a community meeting along with their proposal," he said. "They bring that information back and proceed through their application. It's a combination of fact finding, giving a heads up to the community and if they get responses they are prepared to bring the responses back to planning and zoning staff and show how they dealt with the issues."

OK...for those of us who own property in the area...but don't live were they planning on giving us a heads up?!?! How can we put our input in????
Where is the electricity going??

I love the views...I love the pristine area. How do we make this NOT happen?!

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

They aren't planning on contacting you....
You and most of the rest of us are irrelevant.

The notices for the 3 "open house" meetings went out to a few dozen folks.

I got a notice for the 3rd meeting because I attended the 2nd meeting after someone in California emailed me they received a notice.

Please read my post as of today. I talk about the City Council meeting and other stuff.

Many local folk from various communities have joined together to resist this invasion. If you want to be on the mailing list let me know.

Sherrian (Save Our Wide Open Spaces)

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"


Please keep us apprised of the situation. We would really appreciate it if you do.

Janet St.Dennis
LOTS 1058,1059,1060,1061,1062 and 1063.

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

Will do....

Here are some links you might find interesting:

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

Views are one thing, but the noise of those wind farms is not something I want to hear every time tthe wind blows. I have heard the noise first hand as I work for SCE and while working near Tehachapi at the new wind farm the noise from the newly installed was irritating, and this was during work times, dont think I would like it near my house at night. This is my personal opinion and observation.

Re: Wind Farm "A Big Problem"

Hi guys

We got Sherrian's email and duly signed the petition. These things are rubbish, not remotely environmentally friendly.

I built this website for a friend of mine who's facing the same problem.

This is pretty scary too

We're out again in April - maybe see some of you then?