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Bob Cat as neighbor!

Journal entry
Thursday,January 14? 2010
I woke at 5:30 to the sound of battering at the red shed door which is outside my bedroom. I listened to the core of coyotes howl in the daylight – such as it is: fog, snow, ice covering the area. So I tried to take pictures of our visitor and tried to get the clarity through the window. Guess not. He is truly beautiful tho. He came up on the porch and I got some pix but he was fuzzed through the double glass. I have to admit he is SO pretty! But I must think about his boldness and audacity. I need to get him out of here as Sophie(my dog) needs to be emptied!

Bob left about 8 am and we went for a walk but Sophie won't go on a leash in her own territory ( But WILL do it in my bathroom??) I just couldn't bring myself to go by the shed door as I can't take any more leaping Bob! Anyway, I have been SO sore from adrenaline overdrive for two days... I am going to drink lots of water and watch a movie or read.. It is really painful now.

My neighbor offered to come shoot him. I said sure you can sit and the porch with the gun across your knees like Grampa McCoy! I'll ask Bob if he would stay and wait for ya'!!

Awaiting the mutha of all storms!

It is 10 am and Sophie is whining to go out. She is suffering and doesn’t “get” it. I have seen nothing around the yard this morning. I thought it would wake up but even the birds are hunkered down! I think I need to go read!

I laid down about 11 am to read and slept until almost 2 pm. I am looking at the melting snow and ice. There will be no treads on the tires today! Sophie again wants to go out. I have not seen Aethylkittie today either.

4 pm. Bob is back. Sophie saw him this time. OOOps! She was going to the nuts. I snuck out the back door after taking some pictures and bashed the crap out of my gong! He is really pretty! Wowsers. He left and went down the back yard. SO I explained to Sophie why she couldn’t go out side. She did back off. Thank God!

I am checking on live trap and removal with fish and game if he doesn't leave.

Look at Sheriann's pix! I sent a copy there.