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Kaoru_ai's BBS
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hi ^_^;

Hihi! I came to your site through Meta. you're so great!!! *^^* You look so pretttty in all the dresses. I'm hoping to buy my first one from Metamorphose (lol it's so hard to spell. -o-; ) I really like your cosplay too! (i wish i could sew) Kaoru <33333 (Haha I will try to not be a total fangirl.) I'm fan of Diru. What's your favorite song? I like Akuro no Oka and Yokan so much! Sort of old huh? ^^; Then I got really into their new songs. Saku is scary, but I like it so much! (also Kodou!) Oh question! I hope it's ok. Do you know Japanese? I'm 15, and I want to learn. (too late for me to learn? x_x) If you do how did you learn? I'm trying to teach myself. ^^; I only know few hiragana. _ _||| I want to go to Harajuku one day! XD

sorry if i said too much ><;; by the way your hair is so pretty!! <333 (lol i'm going to dye mine for the first time soon. haha what is a good color? xD;;) byebye

Re: hi ^_^;

Hello, sorry this is late.
Thank you for the compliments!!
If your going to dye your hair, any color you like is good!
It may be hard to change it once you dye it, so dye it a color you like ne!