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Bugsy Stevens illness....

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to give you all an update on Bugs. He has an acute case of Lyme Disease which somehow triggered Guillain Barre Syndrome. He is definitely getting better and was moved to South East Rehabilitation Center in Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall River, MA yesterday. We are sure he would love to hear from any of you. His telephone # 508-491-4259, Room 332. We are confident that he'll be chasing around the nurses in no time! Thank you all for your support.
Doris and family

i will pray for you until my knees bleed! I am so sorry for what you are going thru and you have to get better real soon because if you don't show up at the reunion in NSS a hospital will look good to you! lol... all jokes aside my friend... get well soon and God bless. I will call you tomorrow. God help the nurses. none of them are safe! ROFLLLLLLLl
Love u
carolwicks aka OZ

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a serious disorder that occurs when the body's defense (immune) system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous system. This leads to nerve inflammation that causes muscle weakness, which continues to get worse.

Re: Bugsy Stevens illness.... UPDATE...

Bugsy update....


just talked to Bugs... he is really depressed and exhausted. he said they get him up at 5 a.m. and never leave him alone to rest. i know how that goes!
bugs is a hunter and spends alot of time in the woods. he was bitten by ticks and thats how he got the Lymes disease... if you guys get a chance maybe we could send him some funny cards. anyone who knows him knows he is a jokester and loves to laugh. the hospital address is in the previous post. his phone is ringing off the hook .... Bugs said he will be in the hospital for another month... ;-(
lets get creative and send him something that will make him laugh and also let him know he is loved.
carolwicks aka OZ