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Welcome to Bipolarconnection Message Board. Moderator for this board is: Raveven any questions or concerns Please feel free to e-mail Raeven at

Bipolarconnection Chit Chat
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EVERYONE respond!!;) :) :)

Hello All!

I'm hoping that if EVERYONE who reads this responds, we could have 10-30 people's ideas to help us all out. That would be GREAT. The question is: When you are in a very depressed or manic state, what do you do, other than meds, to try and pull yourself up or down to a more normal level. I know some people use meditations, others ue certain spiritual practices, or go out with a friend for a chocalte binge. What do you do that works, or helps even a little bit. Jot down as many ideas as you can, and we'll all benefit!! Thanks! Raeven

Re: EVERYONE respond!!;) :) :)



time outs LOL

mostly I write

Prayers & Hugs


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Replying to:

Hello All!

I'm hoping that if EVERYONE who reads this responds, we could have 10-30 people's ideas to help us all out. That would be GREAT. The question is: When you are in a very depressed or manic state, what do you do, other than meds, to try and pull yourself up or down to a more normal level. I know some people use meditations, others ue certain spiritual practices, or go out with a friend for a chocalte binge. What do you do that works, or helps even a little bit. Jot down as many ideas as you can, and we'll all benefit!! Thanks! Raeven

Re: EVERYONE respond!!;) :) :)

When I am very depressed, I call my Mom or my Granny, or just anyone I can to talk to me to make me happy. I also pray for healing in both states. When I am manic, I just go with the flow and clean my house or call friends.

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Replying to:

Hello All!

I'm hoping that if EVERYONE who reads this responds, we could have 10-30 people's ideas to help us all out. That would be GREAT. The question is: When you are in a very depressed or manic state, what do you do, other than meds, to try and pull yourself up or down to a more normal level. I know some people use meditations, others ue certain spiritual practices, or go out with a friend for a chocalte binge. What do you do that works, or helps even a little bit. Jot down as many ideas as you can, and we'll all benefit!! Thanks! Raeven

Re: EVERYONE respond!!;) :) :)


My name is sarah and I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder mixed. Before meds, i had to believe that there was hope(GOD). It is hard to deal with, trust ,e. I lived with it 27 years of my life, and just have been diagnosed today. Also....find a good therapist if you ahve insurance. Good luck, and if you would like to talk sometime, my line here is always open.


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Replying to:

Hello All!

I'm hoping that if EVERYONE who reads this responds, we could have 10-30 people's ideas to help us all out. That would be GREAT. The question is: When you are in a very depressed or manic state, what do you do, other than meds, to try and pull yourself up or down to a more normal level. I know some people use meditations, others ue certain spiritual practices, or go out with a friend for a chocalte binge. What do you do that works, or helps even a little bit. Jot down as many ideas as you can, and we'll all benefit!! Thanks! Raeven

Re: Re: EVERYONE respond!!;) :) :)

Hi Sarah,

It was very kind of you to respond to the message board. When I do stay focued and intuned with my spirituality, it really does help. I think it's awful that you've had bipolar for all these years and it was just diagnosed today. Did you finally get meds to help out? I'm on disability (since 1994) from fibromyalgia, lupus, and bipolar. So I don't get out and really have no social life. From the Bipolar site I met an elderly man that is very sweet, but would like another person to E-mail back and forth with. If you're on aol there's IM's, but I'm not in the big directory forums where you can find people and chat. My E-mail is I really hope you'll send me an -mail so we can chat. I hope you have a good weekend. I live near Chicago and it's actually supposed to be warm here this weekend. Take Care! Love,


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Replying to:


My name is sarah and I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder mixed. Before meds, i had to believe that there was hope(GOD). It is hard to deal with, trust ,e. I lived with it 27 years of my life, and just have been diagnosed today. Also....find a good therapist if you ahve insurance. Good luck, and if you would like to talk sometime, my line here is always open.


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Replying to:

Hello All!

I'm hoping that if EVERYONE who reads this responds, we could have 10-30 people's ideas to help us all out. That would be GREAT. The question is: When you are in a very depressed or manic state, what do you do, other than meds, to try and pull yourself up or down to a more normal level. I know some people use meditations, others ue certain spiritual practices, or go out with a friend for a chocalte binge. What do you do that works, or helps even a little bit. Jot down as many ideas as you can, and we'll all benefit!! Thanks! Raeven