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dewd (obligatory net slang)

dewd, i can't believe it's been so long since I've been to see "the band" live that you've gone through 2 name changes! ****, that's not good.

yO, i hope to get to a show soon, i would love to promote the higher ground show only problem is I have moved 3 times since I saw you guys at Nectars and I'm about to move again, times are a changin indeed, and personally - i hope they keep on a changin, in a radical way..jeje

so anyway, I've been listening to LOts of Phil Ochs lately, and one of his songs "flower lady" reminded me of Christian's extraordinary folk (as well as rock and reggae) but specifically folk singing talents like the way he could play with just one word and extend it into half a dozen notes or more (like Phil Ochs does with the word "flower" on 'flower lady' and how Christian Hayes gracefully sings the word: "Grace" on 'amazing grace', this guy Ochs had some folk/rock songs too, I think you guys should keep with this tradition maybe do a cover of a couple Phil Ochs songs to keep them alive like "cops of the world" "Ringing of Revolution" "Crucifixion" and maybe "Flower Lady" as a folk solo (but you would need strings, perhaps the new keyboardist could create some) for starters, just an idea...mixed in with your incredible originals as usual of course...but yeah, i hope I can get to those shows man to see if the new name change has altered the dynamics of the band and placed them in a whole nother dimension of supersonic soundwave capacity or whatnot.

Mucho Gracias for rocking **** Holmes!

N to the L

yeah folk is where it's at

like i see folk music being taken to a new level, with hip hop or rock type of drum patterns backing traditional folk lyrics or even more modern ones. I really do love rock as well (I've been listening to Buddy Holly and Petty lately they have some interesting stuff in their catalog) and no one should want to hear all folk songs...but I really think Christian has such a talent for writing/singing folk tunes that you guys should incorporate that in some way...I really see you guys fusing folk with some more modern beats and instrumentation, along with that straight up rock your head to bed murderous rock tunes.

just throwing some stuff out there, you guys always come with it at every show, unbelievable energy...what part of New York are planning to go to? Why New Jersey?-->(haha just kidding)

actually the only folk I listen to is Christian Hayes and Phil Ochs, so folk isn't necassarily "wher

as to where I'm at, Folk is what i've been feeling lately, but not that typical Pete Seeger folk or peter paul and mary I don't like that ****, ok forget it this is too hard to explain, what i mean to say is


folk is not necassarily "where it's at" unless you're listening to Christian Hayes or Phil Ochs

and if your're listening to SideCar Radio then whatever the current genre being performed on stage is "where it's at" and wherever they are playing is the "place to be"

no diggety

Re: folk is not necassarily "where it's at" unless you're listening to Christian Hayes or Phil Ochs

hey Noel...good to have you back. apparently wandering the Earth listening to folk music doesn't warrant much time for message board posting...or does it.
thought we might see you in vermont.

and new jersey...well it's the Garden State and I really liked that movie.

Re: Re: folk is not necassarily "where it's at" unless you're listening to Christian Hayes or Phil O

yeah wandering around trying to memorize the words to folk songs with immense depth both politically AND emotionally while, at the same time, trying to learn how to sing without sounding like a duck on it's death bed, is indeed time consuming...but i have to find a way to stretch time out to a longer duration by using techniques once perfected by the late great "Dr Who", to make sure I make to some real life SideCar Radio concerts which used to be one of the highlights of the week when I lived in Maine (i went to shows weekly)...but man I can't believe I'm going to miss the show at higher ground, i was looking forward to, I remember talking to you guys about a show there in anticipation before the new higher ground even opened but...but i can only stay in one place for so long before I'm forced to move on because of an unknown force ::: "there but for fortune may go you or I" ::: although maybe that quote is not particulary apppropriate for my predicament but I love dropping Phil Ochs quotes whenever they are even slightly relevant, or even if they're completely unrelated to anything.

I'm sure I'll make it to a show before too long

the "Garden State"?...sounds eXcItInG! Lots of hoes! (get it gardening) But why do the cities smell so awful if there is so many flowers being planted in new jersey? eh, my humor skillz are not up to par right now at this time of night.

Re: Re: folk is not necassarily "where it's at" unless you're listening to Christian Hayes or Phil O

Hey Ryan, what do you think about my suggestion of doing some more selective folk fusions like? You're drumming is incredible, you can switch easily between rock rhythms and rhythms that sound like some of the boom bap raw hip hop beats of the late 80's, early 90's that I listened to growing up like 'Showbiz and A.G.'

I think amazing grace (along with a couple other songs on Christian's solo album) underwent an amazing metamorphisis when you guys was more infused with the reggae and rock vibe, while the original leaned more toward the folk style and I appreciate both styles equally. I think this is where your genius lies, you can't classify you guys at all because you can come from so many different angles. Although many of you guys original rock tunes I heard at bullfeeneys are perfect the way they are and I wouldn't recommend re-working them at all, I think "orange chicken" or something like that was one of my favorites do you still do play that one?...although the first time I heard "amazing grace" It didn't even cross my mind to change it all but look what you guys did with it, amazing!

I guess I should leave the creative ideas to the people who have come up with them thus far, you guys have plenty of your own but sometimes I feel compelled to offer my own suggestions just for the hell of it.

big up! eazy star, ya mon.