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Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Firstly, as for the actors/actresses... needless to say… most of them have done very well... especially Jessica, Michael, Bowie, Kiki & Joyce... really veterans... everyone has portrayed realistically the very humane part of each character... the good and the bad... For example, (the 2 characters I like best... haha...)

1)表哥 – the ‘bad’ because of money for survival, causing him to cheat and scheme... yet the ‘good’ as he still values his relationship with his 3 cousins by acting as a buffer to bring them together and is very filial to his mother too...

What I like best is his love for 碧霞 is really true although he did not really seriously say it to her… It can be seen in all the things that he has done for her, not wanting to be a burden to her because of his paralysis (after what Bowie has told him) and even sacrificing his life to save her twice... which has shown that true love is all about protecting and giving to the one he love... so touching... Michael has really portrayed all these very successfully...

2)碧霞 – the ‘bad’ due to financial debts from her 子辉 and later the lost of 添仔, causing her to sell stolen goods and even seducing Bowie for revenge... yet the ‘good’ as she still values her relationship with her sisters very much, her motherly love for 添仔, and her devoted love for 子辉...

As for her relationship with 表哥, it is very understandable that she still has reservations and quite confused at times partly due to his cheating and betrayal, and also maybe she still loves 子辉 very much... Jessica has definitely demonstrated all these in her excellent acting… At the very end, she did not cry after she was saved by 表哥 as she was more in a state of shock shown in her face rather than sad… which is very real...

Secondly, (despite all the technicalities like the ‘flying’ wheelchair and all the ‘coincidental eavesdropping’ scenes, etc... which is required by the script I think... haha...) I personally think it is one of the good show by TVB as there are values like - 1) Sisterly love (blood is thicker than water), 2) Devoted mother’s love (碧霞 & 添仔, 丽嫦 & son ), 3) True sacrificial love (表哥 for 碧霞), 4) Devoted wife’s love (碧霞 for 子辉 & 碧云 for 姐夫) and 5) Woman’s ability to survive even under very adverse circumstances... (My hubby thinks its quite a feminist show... haha... but he agrees that it has truly depicted the strength of women quite well...)

Finally, since the theme of this show is focused more on Sisterly love... it is understandable that not so much emphasis and scenes are placed on the relationship between 表哥 & 碧霞... (which may have disappointed some viewers) but even the very few scenes by the excellent acting of Michael and Jessica have shown their mutual affection for each other... It may not be a happy ending for them but ultimately the 3 sisters did survive through all the ordeals... It is also quite fast paced which has indeed caused people to have the urge to chase the show... which is quite a success in itself...

Sorry if its too long a review (I've tried my best to summarise it... haha)...

And, I personally like the show because of Jessica and Michael... haha... Both of them have demonstrated their 内心戏 throughout the show very well indeed, especially Jessica... Well Done!


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Wonderful review Grace :)

I have not been able to watch the drama from beginning to end; I started at episode 20-ish.

But I agree with the main themes of the drama. 表哥's unselfish love towards 碧霞, the three sister's bond, maternal love toward one's child, and to not settle for anything less than what a woman wants.

I really enjoyed watching Jessica. I think everyone portrayed their characters very well, a well-casted set of actors and actresses. I really enjoy Jessica's "evil stare". I can pause it and stare at it forever

Like Jessica said in a few of her interviews, 碧霞 is not a "bad" woman. Maybe in a future drama, we will witness a 100% evil character portrayed by Jessica

Personally, I enjoy Jessica being the "nice, strong, smart" characters, not saying 碧霞 wasn't smart but 碧霞 was a definitely a different, interesting role (i.e., the "stare", plotting and scheming, and manipulation)


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Hi Alice,

Thanks for your feedback...

I agree with you... Jessica did mention in her interview that she is not really the totally 'bad' person... which is true... not like what those newspapers report has made her out to be so 奸... So cannot trust the newspaper reports but can trust what Jessica said... haha...

I have also enjoyed most of Jessica's role in her other shows very much... especially Golden Faith, 刑IV, Files of Justice IV & V, Old Time Buddy, etc... In fact, she has acted a 'bad' role before in an old telemovie "栽花劫" if I didn't get the name wrongly... which is done quite well by her... considering that she is quite new then...

Anyway, I missed out one part... another lesson learnt from the show is... Deceit and Scheming will only result in more deceit and scheming... So Honesty is still the best policy... (this is what my son told me... haha...)

Well, I believe Jessica has always put in her very best in every of her show... and have not disappointed us so far... at least to me lah... haha... Cheer on Jessica...


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Hello Grace. Nice to "meet" you :D

Ohhhhh [難兄難弟] was the first drama I watched with Jessica. It was fun :D I only watched it then because my grandma was visiting. My Mandarin was really bad back then, my Cantonese was worst so that kind of deterred me from watching TVB dramas. Ten years later, my Chinese skill has somewhat improved haha. I had to educate myself by listening to the dialogue and following along with the subtitles to understand what they were saying but I am glad I can understand a bit more now

I think Jessica is one of the few actresses that children actually should idolize. Why? She is true to herself. She does not pretend to be someone she isn't. She lives a "normal" life; no inappropriate late night activities that many celebrities partake in. Like she says in quite a few of her previous posts, she is like our mother, constantly nagging at us Jessica Hsuan is 宣萱。 宣萱 is Jessica Hsuan; There is no facade - well, that is how I imagined her to be from her messages and interviews

As for the sleazy reporters, no comment. It makes them look ridiculous and idiotic because believe it or not reporters, we know how to differentiate a BS article from a 'real' article. I believe most fans have learned to not take the reports seriously. Reporters will do just about anything to get THE headline for the week. Anything to sell that paper

I watched a few episodes of Files for Justice IV recently; I do not know if it is just me but back then, there seems to be a slight... "accent" in her Cantonese, which has pretty much disappeared now.

Shameful admission: I have not heard of "栽花劫" I will look into it after my semester is over...in mid-August

Ah...honesty trumps all! This may be a cliche but it is very true; if you tell one lie, you have to tell another lie to cover up that lie, then another lie to cover up that lie and the first lie. See a pattern forming? As good as a liar one may be, it will be very difficult to keep track of all the lies so, be as honest as possible


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Hi Alice,

Nice to 'meet' you here too... haha...

I am actually no better than you... my Chinese is also not very fantastic too... however I can understand spoken Cantonese... haha... which makes it easier for me to watch all her drama in Cantonese (her original voice, as I don't like the Mandarin-dubbed version) with English subtitles...

Yup... cannot agree with you more... about Jessica's personality... someone true to herself and others... (which I have written something about it somewhere in this Bnet... haha...)

Regarding her earlier shows... I have noticed something different in her voice too... compared to her recent shows... since you've mentioned... I think you're right... it is her British accent which makes the difference in her voice... haha... as I have been trying to figure out what's the difference... I suppose that's what Michael Tao meant in his interview that she is very "ABC" back then... the way she speaks and her character as well... haha... Is that true, Jessica?

Its nice talking to you...


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

I never enjoy watching dubbed dramas. Sometimes the translation is not very accurate and not to take anything away from the voice actors, I do not think one can duplicate the original actor's and actress's emotion and tone in any drama. Watching a drama in the original language also gives the audience the opportunity to learn a new language

Her Cantonese was already very good when she was considered an "ABC" I do not think "ABC" would be the right acronym because Jessica did not go to the States; instead, a "BBC" even though she was not technically born in the UK.
Hehe.."BBC" and "CBC" are also television broadcasting stations in their respective countries

I remember the post you are talking about; you wrote quite a few meaningful posts. That a girl Grace Jessica thanked you too! That must have been something eh?


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Haha... you're right... not "ABC" but "BBC" to be more precise... I think Michael Tao is just teasing and being mischievous by calling her an "ABC" in general... He is quite cute and funny... haha...

There must have been a lot of fun and laughter when they are acting together... I enjoyed watching some of the NG snapshots which are very funny... especially the scene with Bowie and Jessica on the sofa... Bowie is very cute, kept making that strange sound and Jessica's laughter is very contagious... I cannot help laughing throughout... haha...

Oh... by the way... the show "栽花劫" is dubbed in Mandarin... couldn't find any Cantonese version... if you need a website address for this show... feel free to ask me...


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

They must have had a blast working together. I always enjoy watching the NGs.

WISH forum has a thread open which includes a RAR file with all the NGs archived. I think I have watched most of it but hey, can never get enough of Jessica's laughter NGs are my favorite part of any drama hehe!

I had to do a few video assignments for my English class for scenes in several Shakespeare plays (King Lear, MacBeth). Our group had a blast filming and trying to memorize all the lines, although quite difficult.

Thank you. I will let you know after my summer semester is done.


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Haha... You're welcome...

Happy studying and enjoy your school life...

Anyway, I am looking forward to Jessica's new show in July "A Pillow Case of Mystery II" if the news is true that its showing on 12 July... waiting for Jessica to confirm the news...


P/S: I did send you an email to ask you something... Thanks...

Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

Hello Grace,

Woo... "A Pillow Case Mystery II" - cannot wait either! The trailer seems very interesting; her wanting to kill Bobby's character I still have to watch Sister of Pearl (episodes 1-19).

I just checked my e-mail but I do not see your email. Maybe you could send it again?


Re: Sisters of Pearl - a personal review...

I absolutely agree with you Grace! I was very sad after the ending, I really wanted Jessica and her cousin to get together..however i think it was excellent that the production didn't spend a long time on their relationship developing, because that's what left a memorable impression on the audience. Definitely the best TVB show this year thus far!


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