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Player Wages

Just wondering what the average player at this level gets paid per game/week.

I hear a lot about big spending sides at this level, but what does this mean in real per week budget terms?

I'm talking ball park figures here as I have no interest in speculating on specific players money just a general idea.

Anybody willing to divulge?

Re: Player Wages


Re: Player Wages

Dear Mr. Observer

What do you earn a week?


Re: Re: Player Wages

About £800 as it happens, but that doesn't help answer the question does it!

Why the touchy replies? I don't understand what the issue is.

I can make an educated guess on most professions, full and part time (there are national wage surveys out there you know), and was just wondering what the budget for wages at this level was to understand what costs clubs face finacially.

If that seems like I'm asking what player X is taking home then you're getting a little paranoid.

Re: Player Wages

I'm sorry if yours is an innocent request but all clubs tend to be sensitive about what they pay their players as it can be a stick to beat us with. Also there are so many variables that 'wages' is not an accurate term and 'expenses' is more appropriate. It is our club policy not to discuss our figures but I can tell you that some players in our league will be playing for the love of the game and other sums range from the average of around forty to sums over double that amount. Hope this helps
P.s. With your tidy earnings, do you fancy sponsoring one of our players?

Re: Re: Player Wages


Don't worry, it was purely an innocent enquiry, I was just curious as to what the range was. The players I know at this level largely play for the love of the game, and possible a few beer tokens for the clubhouse etc. Although I know a couple of 'contracted' players in the past pocketing a lot more I did think they were the exceptions.

I was really just wondering what the spread was, and certainly wasn't expecting Didcot's P/L, just a comment on the average around this level. Thanks for your help m.c.

No thanks on the sponsorship though!