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OK guys and gals. Time has come to show our stuff off this Friday night from 6PM to 9PM at the Campus Hill Shopping Center Parking lot, Churchville, MD. Their will be a cruise too for what I have been told. This is a opportunity for us to meet some car fans, see some awesome vehicles that rekindle the memories of those of us who are a little older and fire up those who are younger.
It’s a time to socialize with your fellow Jeeper and meet potential new members. We will also use this as an opportunity to pass on some information out to the membership, we will display our new Club Banner, talk about our production shirts, stickers and the likes. So, let me see as many of you there this Friday. We are a strong voice as long as we show unity.

What do you believe in (Jeep or Club related please). There are 23 Members in our club, at most times, we have some 5 or 7 members show for events. I realize that some of us have family engagements and other responsibilities. However, it would be a nice thing to see all 23 of us there. I know I am pushing the envelope, but I can be hopeful, right!

One of our members is leaving the United States soon; Sam in the Lime Green Rubicon has been ridding with our group now since early September last year. We wish him good luck and safe journey into Canada where he plans to work and live for a while.

I am proud to announce the selection of Rich Althouse as 1st Vice-President, Mark Donnelly as Treasure. However, I still have several positions available and would like someone that has the time, energy and dedication to volunteer for the Job. See me about it later.

See you at the Meet-n-Greet!!
