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Prophetic Journal
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Terry Schaivo

I just wanted to say that, normally I would agree with you that congress has no business getting involved with cases such as these. However, I feel that when Terri's husband decided to commit adultery and have children with another woman, he gave up his right to decided the fate of his wife's life. Doesn't being with another woman make him less objective in life decisions for his wife? I agree that congress should have come forth to stop him from being allowed to make this decision.

Re: Terry Schaivo

Stacie..we are citizens of heaven. We shouldn't be involved with the World. We preach the Gospel..not try to force them to live up to Chrisitian ethics. her husband has the right according to law to do as he has done. It simply aint our business. Nor the governments. it should be left to family , Docters and God. You cant make Non Christians do Christian things.

Re: Terry Schaivo

I just stumbled across this post that i wrote more than a year ago. And i must say that your point is precisely one that i have learned over the last year. Our kingdom is not of this world, therefore we shouldn't concern ourselves with earthly things. Took awhile to pound that one into my head. But i finally got it. I was just reading it and laughing at myself. WE never stop learning and growing as Christians. You were soooo right. This post is a year old, and i don't know if you'll ever receive my reply. But i just wanted to say that i can say, i was wrong. You were right.