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Npower Loop Meadow Stadium

The Home of South Oxfordshire's Best Supported Football Club  

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Now that Diddy are promoted to the Southern League can someone confirm what the plans are for the ground for next season. Will there be a new stand behind the goal for instance?

Congratulations to everybody involved for yet another magnificent season.

Re: Loop

The ground is good enough as it is so no requirement for new stand HOWEVER we have been striving to get a proper more robust Railway End stand for a while now - it's raising the funds and obtaining grants which are proving hard work.

My most recent thought is that we get everyone to undertake their own sponsored event. I know I'll get battered now but believe it or not I raised 600 quid for Helen House last year on a sponsored diet (yeah I know its all back on). I would be happy to give that another bash (hopefully it would stay off this time) but everyone can choose their thing from sponsored walk, bike ride, lager drinking, kids could also be involved - we would do a joint thing where some would go to Helen House the rest towards a new stand.
With a bit of decent PR there's no reason why we couldn't get a few of us doing it and not just people directly involved with running the club - we've got 4 teams and loads of others who have kids in local teams who could also take part - they may be playing for us in the future afterall. We could even give a cash prize incentive to the top 2 rund raisers (10% of what they raise for example).
I'm more than happy to get the go ahead from Helen House and to produce smart sponsorship forms, but who will help me to get people participating???
Any takers?
Can anyone see any drawbacks with this idea. Anyone think of something better.
Now's the time to prepare for next season so lets get our thinking caps on.