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My spring break experience

Hey guys! I hope everything is going well. I just got back from Chicago, i went there on a mission trip for spring break. It was amazing. 7 of us spent a whole week working with inmates in the Cook County Jail, and working in soup kitchens and homeless shelters. It was amazingly eye-opening. For someone who has never been in anything bigger than nashville, it was a trip. I never realized how bad things in a city like that can be. I walked away feeling so changed, and i will never be the same because of this experience. I highly encourage anyone who gets the chance to do something like this to take it. It will change you. Anyway, if you'd like to hear any more, or just want to drop me a line, email me. I'd love to hear from you. I hope eveyone is doing fine, and getting ready for the warm weather. I'll check back later. Bye! --Ashley